2021 Pisces New Moon – The Changing Dreams of the People

The Pisces New Moon is here and this time it is in the 1st House in the National Chart. This New Moon makes only two aspects, a conjunction to Venus and Neptune in the 1st House and a sextile to Pluto in the 12th House in Capricorn. Most of the planets in the chart are also bunched up in the 1st and 12th Houses too. This makes both of these houses in particular very important.

In mundane astrology, the 1st House represents the people of the nation. With the New Moon is Pisces this will bring the hopes, wishes and dreams of everyone to the forefront. What to the people wish for? Sweet dreams of the future of course. With a new government, and with the recent passing of the next coronavirus relief bill, perhaps the people have finally got want they wanted? The money they dreamed of! And with more promised on its way.
Everything is looking good then and there is nothing to worry about! The economy seems to be going well, except for the possibility of hyperinflation. Or will we get deflation to wreck the economy? Then there is the covid vaccine, is it working well enough to end the pandemic restrictions?

Pluto in the 12th House creeps in and causes disturbances to the nation’s dream. Especially politically. Is Biden in charge of the government? No one really knows. And then there is thee report the National Guard is staying in D.C. for little longer. Well, maybe forever if Democratic politicians get their way. This isn’t looking good at all.
There is a lot of tension in the air. The coronavirus quarantines and lockdowns have started many on the path to civil disobedience. Worst, the main issues between the two parties of the US, the Republicans and Democrats have massively diverged. This is recipe for disaster, and many Americans can sense this intuitively.
They fear massive civil unrest is coming and this changes their dreams from sweet dreams of hope to ones of worry about the future. Not everyone will worry though. Many will plan and the change their dream to something else. Perhaps something more realistic giving the the troubled times we are in.