2021 Sagittarius Full Moon Eclipse – Revealing the Cost of Freedom from the Pandemic

This month’s Full Moon is a Total Lunar Eclipse. This occurs on May 26, 2021 at 7:14 AM EDT, in Washington D.C. The start of this eclipse will be visible in the eastern US but the greatest extent will not be. It will be visible in the western US.
In the mundane chart, this Total Lunar Eclipse occurs in the 6th House. Aside for a weak sextile to Saturn in Aquarius in the 9th House, the only other aspect to it makes is a square to Jupiter in Pisces on the Midheaven. Given that Jupiter rules Sagittarius where the Total Lunar Eclipse occurs suggest this will be the most important aspect.

In the 6th House the mundane chart has to deal with the health of a nation. In the US almost 50% of the population is vaccinated, covid infection rates are failing, most of the states have reopened completely. Sagittarius is a freedom seeking sign so this suggest that the pandemic has officially ended in the US.
But Jupiter is there squaring the Lunar Eclipse suggesting that freedom we get now has come with a cost. One that is applying stress to the social for the the next 6 months or so. One that will only begin to reveal itself starting with this eclipse.
What has been the metal health cost of a year plus of lockdowns and limited social engagement. How about the health cost of rushing vaccinations without long term testing being done on it using brand new biotechnology? What about the health cost to schooling in which the development of the mind was stunted because of limited personal instruction of the last year. This is what we find out this eclipse as a country.
So while, while it great the pandemic is over and life can start to get back to normal, or whatever is the new normal in the future, here the US will begin to realize slowly that we are likely stuck with some unpleasant after effects from the whole ordeal.