2021 Sagittarius Solar Eclipse – Revolution of Legal Values

The last solar eclipse in Sagittarius for this cycle occurs on December 4, 2021 at 2:43 AM EST. Over Washington D.C. this occurs in the 2nd House of the mundane chart. The solar eclipse makes a few aspects. A conjunction to Mercury in Sagittarius, a sextile to Saturn in Aquarius in the 4th House, and lastly a quincrux to Uranus in Taurus in the 7th House.

The quincrux with Uranus indicates that some unexpected foreign issue will likely affect the budget of the country. This could be related to the lunar eclipse dollar death scenario discussion on this blog previously. But I think whatever unexpected event happens the main focus of this solar eclipse will be on Saturn.
Saturn in the 4th House aspecting the solar eclipse can mean restriction based on what is happening in the country with the budget. The social order inside the US in changing due to the pandemic, but not in the way the the authorities in the US expected. This is putting strain the internal budget in the US. For example there is concern the recently passed infrastructure paid isn’t fully paid for with new taxes or revenue.
More important, is the 2nd House can represent the nations values. And is this is the area I expect to be most influenced by this solar eclipse. With it conjunct mercury in Sagittarius, there is a possibility new laws and legal precedent could be written. Basically a revolution in the US value system, but it is not clear which direction this will go.

For example, the issue of the gene therapy mandates is dividing the nation in to two groups. One the supports forced gene therapy and severe penalties for those that refuse. While the other group is opposing this. This is creating a lot stress on the home people are self restricting from interacting with people from the other group. Even if they used to be friends or family.

And as society’s position on this evolves, the values of the nation will change and so will laws regarding it as well.