2021 Scorpio Full Moon – Restriction of Fiscal Policy Illuminated

On April 26, 2021, at 11:31 PM in Washington D.C., the Scorpio Full Moon will be visible in the night sky over the nation’s capitol. What will illuminate there is shown by the major aspect in this chart, a square to Saturn in Aquarius in the 2nd House. A restriction in the fiscal policy of the US.

The Full Moon is located in the 10th House, which is the Presidency. Joe Biden has big plans to change to the entire governmental structure of the US. He is proposing a massive new infrastructure plan, reducing carbon emissions by 50%, and even a rule to cut the amount of nicotine in cigarettes too. This is pretty aggressive plan to transform the US into a more socialist country.
However, these plans are hitting a big restriction in the US financial policy. How to pay for all of this? For example, in Biden’s Infrastructure Plan, he plans to raise the corporate tax rate from 21% to 28%. There is a debate on whether or not this will pass Congress, since many moderate Democrats don’t while wanting higher taxes for corporations, don’t want to kill the economy in the process.
Another wrinkle in the tax debate is the plan to repel the Trump’s SALT (State and Local Tax) cap that affects many the wealthy. This was a tax deduction which individuals could deduct State and Local income taxes from the Federal rate. The effect of creating the cap meant the many rich Americans actually didn’t see any Trump era tax cuts and effectively paid the same rate as before! Repealing this would be seen as cutting the taxes for the rich for the average voter.
But the big shock is the is the proposal from last week. Biden’s proposed hike for the capital gains tax from 23.8% to 43.4%. This is to fund his Human Infrastructure Plan, a series of new social service programs. When this was announced of course the mini-crashed the stock market, even though the current plan is likely to make them retroactive to January 1, 2021.

This says nothing of the plan to cut carbon emissions which would mean a massive reorganization of entire US economy and whose cost have been calculated yet. The people may find out such costs over the next two weeks. And it may be too restrictive to bear.