2021 Second Aquarius Full Moon – Realizing the Military Lost its Trust

This Full Moon in Aquarius is the second one of the year. It is exact on August 22, 2021 8:02 AM EDT over Washington D.C. It is located at 29 degrees 37 minutes Aquarius, right on the cusp of the sign change but not quite there. Besides the opposition to the Sun it really only makes one aspect, a conjunction to Jupiter in Aquarius also in the 6th House.

The Full Moon falls in the 6th House. Among the many meaning of the 6th House in mundane astrology, is national service, or the military. Yes, the 6th House can relate to military of country, not so much in battle but in most other aspects. And recently the entire nation’s focus is on the military. For all the wrong reasons.
As most probably know the US has lost the War ion Afghanistan. The military didn’t lose it per say as they technically won every tactical engagement of the war. If fact they were so good at fighting over the last few years the Taliban rarely engage them battle. Sometimes in a year there were more deaths from training mission then combat!
The reality is that the US lost because they couldn’t train a replacement government or military for the country and the Taliban basically just waited until we left. With barely any US troops in the country and after we abandoned Bagram Air Force Base without warning the Taliban decided now was the time to strike. And the Afghan military just surrendered mostly without fighting.

And this is where the question of Nation Service comes in. The US as country was design so that work in government is considered National Service. But with Service comes responsibility for ones actions or inactions in this case. And as of yet no one has taken responsibility for this disaster.
There is a lot of criticism to go around. First the Presidency. The US has a pastime of blaming the President for every little things and in this case it seem justified to an extent. Aside from Biden’s obvious dementia issues, he hasn’t called key international allies like Britain or NATO to reassure them of the US response. In fact the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau couldn’t reach anyone at the White House and instead talked to Hillary Clinton about the US response. WTF!!?? She isn’t even part of government here.

Still it is not like Biden is solely responsible for this. Look at the State Department. A leaked memo from the Kabul embassy shows that they knew by July 13, 2021 that this could happen and urge Biden administration to begin flights no later than August 1, 2021. Apparently the message wasn’t past on. Not that they would have done any good as the State Department also stopped the establishment of the ‘Crisis Evacuation Unit” formed at the end of the Trump administration to prevent situation like this from happening.

Worst through is the criticism isn’t confined to political operators or high level bureaucrats. The military for the first time a long while is taking criticism too. Many are now call for the some for the joints chiefs to resign along with the generals responsible for this. Among the complaints are
- Abandoning Bagram Airfield
- Leaving a ton of state of the art military equipment behind
- Not leaving Kabul Airport to try and rescue trapped Americans civilians
- Rescuing Afghan Refugees before recusing Americans
- And now pausing flights out of Kabul for a half a day because the bases they are taking them to are full

The US Military was the last institution that Americans had any faith in before this crisis happened. Now, this faith is rapidly eroding and Americans are left to the see they have government utterly corrupt and unsalvageable. What happened next is any one’s guess but one thing for sure is the Americans will expect someone to take responsible for this debacle. If they don’t, the American people will soon consider getting rid of such an incompetent government.
But only after reflecting during the Full Moon period in two weeks time. For now is the time for Americans to reflect on the true meaning of National Service. Don’t leave any American citizen behind US military!