2021 Taurus Full Moon Eclipse – A Nation’s Trade Issue Causes Economic Dollar Death

Since I have some free time coming up over the next few weeks I am going to write on the upcoming eclipses. First up is the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on November 19, 2021 around 3:57 AM EST. This eclipse will be visible over most of North and South American weather permitting. It is the first eclipse in the Taurus-Scorpio axis that will dominate the sky over the next two years.
Over Washington D.C, this places the Lunar Eclipse into the 8th House of the mundane chart for the US. It makes one major aspect, a square to Jupiter in the 4th House. It makes two medium strength aspects, a trine to Pluto in Capricorn on the IC, the cusp of the 4th House and an opposition to Mercury in the 2nd House in Scorpio.

The Lunar Eclipse is also approximately a degree away from to the fixed star of Caput Algol. In ancient times this star was named the Demon Star because it varied in its brightness. Every 68 hour a smaller darker star occults the larger brighter star as it orbits around it. Algol has universally been considered one of the most malefic stars in the sky by every culture and is often associated with losing one’s head either physically or metaphorically.

Therefore, with the Lunar Eclipse occurring in the 8th House and conjunct of the worst fixed stars in the sky in the mundane chart, one could imagine the worst. The 8th House in a mundane relates to a country’s debt or foreign trade, and here this means that financially is how the US is most in danger during this Lunar Eclipse.
While the news has been focused on politics, especially there were recent elections in the US, there is growing concern about the state the US economy. Trade is getting more and more difficult. Record numbers of ships are sitting off the West Coast waiting to be unloaded. However, they can’t because the shipyard has no storage and is filled with containers waiting to transport. And the reason for this is that there are not enough truckers available to transport the cargo inland.

Things are getting serious for all businesses as they are increasing waiting longer and longer for items and parts to arrive. Farmers are waiting for parts for tractors, stores shelves are increasing empty of consumer goods. Some industries, like the computer industry are still experiences chips storage which have gone on for over a year.

Worst a global energy shortage has began. China is having trouble obtaining coal, Europe may freeze this winter because the Russians are shipping them the amount of natural gas to them, and here in the US increased environmental regulations are causing energy prices to rise.
With all the economic turmoil, the US will have to pay more to sustain the foreign trade we are used to. However, with the constant inflation now going to through the US economy, this is no longer possible. Global trade could very well completely break down and there is a real risk of economic collapse here. Caput Algol strikes to take a head, but instead of the individual or a group, the head it is taking is likely the US dollar!

Still, this may not be such a bad thing at the end of this eclipse cycle. In Jopesh E Rigor’s The Power of the Fixed Stars, he states for the Moon conjunct Algol:
“Natives with this conjunction can develop the ability to gain victory over their competitors, however, they can also experience setback prior to their victory.”
Therefore, this Lunar Eclipse may very well result in the death of the dollar. However, this is exactly what is exactly the setback the US need as a country to take serious the trade debt problems and global trade imbalances that are hurting the US economy right. In the end a little economic collapse may just be what the US needs at this moment!