2021 Taurus New Moon – Illusion of Travel Possibilities

This month’s New Moon occurs on May 11, 2021 at 2:59 PM over Washington DC. It is in Taurus in the 9th House and makes four main aspects. A strong sextile to Neptune in Pisces in the 7th House, a strong trine to the Virgo Ascendant, a moderate trine to Pluto in Capricorn in the 5th House, and a weak square to Jupiter in Aquarius in the 6th House. The square to Jupiter is especially weak as it has nearly an 8 degree orb. Some astrologers wouldn’t even consider this an aspect.

What does this mean for the next lunar month? Foreign travel will be on the minds of many Americans after being restricted for an entire year of quarantine. However, for many that may mean getting a vaccine passport. Already European Countries have decided that Americans will need one to travel there this summer.
So while this is the time of year that Americans typically plan their summer vaccines many of them will have to the added hassle of trying to get one of these vaccine passports as there is no standardize process yet. Or perhaps if they don’t want get vaccinated, they create a fake one, which apparently is a thing now.

Even among those who do get the vaccination some don’t want vaccine passports because there are concerns about using them to restrict civil liberties or for a having a new way government can interfere in our lives. So even the vaccinated may have to rethink their travel plans if they aren’t comfortable with government having that much control over their life.
Over half of Americans do want vaccine passports because it is seen as a way to ‘return to normal’. Many also think that instead of the government imposing the passport requirements, private corporations will. Already this has started on a small scale as many sports venues are requiring them for attending games this year.

However, there is resistance to this. At least 40 states are considering legislation to ban passport requirements for covid completely. Some States are even considering banning corporations from making the vaccine mandatory for work. Essentially this is going to turn into a huge mess if even a few of the States do this.
How does this play out astrologically? The grand trine between the 9th House New Moon, the Ascendant Pluto in the 5th House is a powerful motivation for the people to travel for fun and entertainment. The New Moon occurring Taurus will make Americans more cautious about it and only travel to foreigner places they have been to them before or travel somewhere new in the US where they feel safe.
However the issue of vaccine passports will cloud things up and Americans may not have all the preparation needed to travel as indicated by the New Moon sextile to Neptune and it opposing the Ascendant. This can cut both ways for those who are pro-vaccine passport and those against it.
Those for it may get cold feet when a State they wish to travel to bans them and they no longer feel safe surrounded by the unvaccinated people allowed near them. For those against it they may want to go Europe only to realize they need this paperwork to so and not ever brother. They can delayed their vacation for another year when the world has gone less crazy.