2021 US Aries Ingress – Big Changes Ahead!

Spring is here and that means the start of a new astrological year. This astrological year started on March 20, 2021 at 5:38 AM EDT when the Sun ingresses into tropical Aries. In the US national chart based on the Washington D.C. location, this creates an Aquarius Rising chart with Jupiter conjunction the Ascendant.
This translates to an overall theme for the year to big changes ahead! And given that it is an Aquarius Rising chart and a fixed Ascendant these changes will be revolutionary in nature and effect everyone in the country. The focus of the chart, the Sun, is located in the 1st House as well. This reinforces the theme on the Ascendant that revolutionary changes are coming to the US.

The Sun makes only two aspects here. An out of sign conjunction with Venus in Pisces, and a sextile to Pluto in Capricorn and in the 12th House. The aspect to Pluto reinforces the changing nature of the people and gives a clue where it will come from.
Venus is a bit harder to pin down on the here. This is a good placement for Venus, and in a sense it makes the US’s relationships with other countries very peaceful over the next year. So at least when the US changes, the rest of the world will not take advantage of the situation. Except for maybe China.
However, from looking at the rest of the chart, there doesn’t appear to much else that is overly good about the next year’s forecast. Jupiter is the ruler of the 10th and 11th House. So the revolutionary changes coming will affect both the Presidency and Congress. It may even change the relationship between the two branches of government.
For instance, Congress is considering a bill to relinquish sole authority to authorize nuclear strikes from the Presidency. If this happens it will be a major shift in the power the two branches of government. Furthermore, the Presidency will likely loss power during this change. The South Node is in the 10th House and the South Node can debilitate the House it is in. In this case the Presidency and executive branch.
This will likely effect the current President Biden personally. Biden was never going to be a strong President and most who voted for him knows this. However, he actually may end up as one of the weakest Presidents in history. Being challenged to a live debate on TV on the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, and not accepting it will show this very concisely to every foreign leader of the world. Biden is missing in action as President, and this is what the happens when we have the South Node in the 10th House.

Luckily, the executive branch is strong enough to survive a mentally impaired President. It has happened before in history. And if it gets too bad, there is the 25th Amendment to invoke. So there aren’t really major concerns for the current government for now. Where this does become a concern is a missing President may not be able to respond quickly to crisis at home, which is what is shown in the 4th House with a Mars, North Node, Moon conjunction in Gemini.
This is the most troubling aspect in the chart. This is an aspect one see when there may be a major riots or political violence to occur in the homeland. The people angry and the North Node will amply that until it is out of control. And there is one event I think can act as a trigger for this. It will be the acquittal of Derek Chauvin, the officer accused of killing George Floyd last year. An event that kicked off the worst race riots in over a generation.
Why would Derek Chauvin be acquitted though? Didn’t everyone see the video of him kneeling on George Floyd’s neck? Well, there are some serious flaws in the Prosecution’s case. There is the fact that police procedures were followed to the letter, or the more troubling fact that George Floyd actually died of a drug overdose according to the toxicology report.
Yes, that is right, he couldn’t breathe because the Fentanyl laced drugs he took before his arrest was already shutting down his respiratory system and filing his lungs with fluid. But not many people have heard this because the media spun up the ‘racial injustice’ aspect, and after the riots happened someone had to be responsible and it certainly wasn’t the media.
So in all likelihood given a fair trail, Derek Chauvin will likely be acquitted. Well perhaps given an unfair trail, a hung jury may be the more likely outcome in this case. In either case the result will likely be the same. More riots.
Astrologically, it is interesting that the this trial is occurring 29 years after the Rodney King was beaten and the officers involved were charge and tried in court. Their acquittal lead to the 1992 LA Riots, at the time one of the most destructive riot in US history. The chart at the start time of the riots, the announcement of the acquittal is below.

There are few interesting things in this chart that relate to the time period. The big one every astrologer will notice is that Saturn is in Aquarius. Saturn is current not at the same degree, nor will it get there this year, but it is still close to the return spot in this chart. So this is completion step in the US after trying to make police reforms to protect minorities.
Saturn Returns are very impact events individual lives, and if you haven’t done Saturn work over the last 30 years, Saturn usually fully lives up to its malefic nature. Has the US done its Saturn work over the 30 years in the areas of racial injustice and police brutality of minorities? Most would probably say no to this.
The other aspect that jumps out is that the Moon and Mars are in wide, although out of sign conjunction. Mars and the Moon together can indicate riots. The extra power that made everything spin out of control in this chart was the ruler of Mars, Jupiter which stations direct in Virgo in the 12th House. Jupiter here is also ruler of the 4th House, which represents the land of the city here where the riot takes place.
So, coming back to the Aries Ingress Chart, it is likely the verdict in Derek Chauvin’s trial will kick off riots just as bad if not worst then the ones last summer. And a possible reason why it would be worst is the fact the US is so divided politically these days. If the riots move out of the urban centers and into the suburbs, it is likely that many Americans will respond like the Korean Americans responded during the 1992 LA Riots. Only this time the under an nationwide riot scenario, the final death toll may be way higher.

So, everyone should be prepared for big changes this year in the US, and some of them may not be the best changes possible. In fact it may be a very bad year for the US. Therefore, stay safe and always try to deescalate any potentially violence situation if they occur in your area. The future isn’t written in stone and individual actions can help.