2021 Virgo Full Moon – The Silver Deficit Revealed

On February 27, 2021 at 3:16 AM EST, is the time the Virgo Full Moon is exact. In the US National chart set in the Washington D.C., this Virgo Full Moon is the 8th House. It makes several aspects. In addition to opposing the Sun in Pisces in the 2nd House, it also opposes Venus. The Moon also trines Uranus in the Taurus in the 4th House and quincunx Saturn in Aquarius in the 1st House.

The 8th House is associated with national debt and deficits. With Venus in opposition, expect this to relate more to money itself that foreign trade debts. This is not necessarily related to the dollar because of the aspects to Saturn and Uranus. Saturn relates to commodities, and Uranus’s placement would indicate one that mine and could be disrupted. So what commodity is also considered money and is related to the Moon?

This commodity is silver! Since nearly the beginning of astrology, the Moon was associated with silver. Back in the 1800s it was considered to be a monetary metal as the only other uses were jewelry and silverware. However, since the development of photography, and then later electronics, silver is now purely a commodity. It is used in many different applications from cars to medical devices. It is indispensable for modern living

Ever since last month when the Reddit users decided to pull their resources together to short GameStop stock, everyone has been looking for that next financial to short and make money for the average person. Quickly many realized the biggest short squeeze ever will likely be in Silver. GameStop may have been short to 160% of the the stock, but silver is believed to be shorted up to 25,000% of the actual physical silver on the market at any one time. This greatly depresses the price of silver and no one really knows what the true price of silver is.
What does and increase in silver price mean? It means that whole economy must be restructured. Silver is a critical component in the manufacturing of all electronics, including cell phones and 5G equipment. It is all automobiles and 5 times most silver are used to produce electric cars than internal combustion ones. It is also the one key component in solar panels that make them cost effective.

So essentially without cheap abundant silver new cell phones may cost significantly more that $1,000 in the next few years. The 5G network will be delayed, electrical cars will still be an meme, and the Green New Deal can not happen! Especially because there is not enough silver to above ground to even get solar panels to power 10% of the world’s power!

And silver is not abundant and it will soon not be cheap either. Already, many of the online bullion dealers are low on stock, charging much larger premiums, and have shipping delays up to a month away! The people who are aware of the situation have dedicated themselves to buying up all the silver they can.

One thing many people don’t realize is that silver production peaked in 2015. One major miner unexpectedly shutting down a mine and all of sudden the silver deficit becomes a major concern for commodity brokers. Then the greatest short squeeze in history begins and it effects everything in the economy! This Full Moon is when this is realized the US realizes the silver deficit is here.