2021 Virgo New Moon – The People’s Unexpected Reaction

This Labor Day, on September 6, 2021, at 8:52 PM EDT over Washington D.C. the New Moon will start. This New Moon occurs in Virgo in the 6th House and makes one almost exact aspect, a trine to Uranus in the in Taurus in the 1st House. The only other aspect within a 5 degree orb is a square to Ceres in Gemini in the 2nd House.

With the aspect to Uranus being nearly exact (2 minutes separation!), this energy of it will be very intense. The closer and aspect is to exact, the powerful it is in a chart. The New Moon in the 6th House and in Virgo means the issues of service and health will be front an center for the US this month.
This could relate to the US military, as indicated by the recent Full Moon. It appears that they left some American citizens behind in Afghanistan. As in completely abandoned. This is not going to play out well among the people and Biden’s approval rating as dropped massively since the the Fall of Kabul.

But these events could be some what expected given the situation. The unexpected could be when some of the these Americans finally make their way back to the US. According to at least one blog by an former US soldier, some of those left in Afghanistan are military contractors. Essentially ex-US soldiers recruited by three letter agencies and given ‘special training’. Apparently many of these contractors found out recently they were expendable. They reported to work and found out their bosses at the three letter agency left in the middle of night without telling them. And now they have to escape from Afghanistan.

This is a big oops! When these people come back here they might be a little pissed at their bosses. An historic parallel to this would be the French withdrawal from Algeria in the late 1950s and early 1960s. While this was a bit different from the current US Afghan situation, several themes are the same. Citizens left behind and hasty withdrawal of forces from a war that France really didn’t want to fight anymore.
In this case many of the French soldiers who fought there felt betrayed by the government and tried to either overthrow the government or assassinate the President of France at the time Charles de Gaulle. There was even a right wing terrorist organization called the OAS which started a bombing campaign to keep the war in Algeria going.

While former military contractors here in the US have no appetite to keep the war going in Afghanistan, getting a measure of revenge for being abandon like that could be on the table. Assassinations of government officials, even low ranking ones may start up in the near future. Hopefully this one prediction that I am wrong on.
The other possibility, and this is the more likely one, is there will be push back against the vaccine mandates in many hospitals and other service industries. Since the recent ‘approval’ of the vaccine in the US, many hospitals and some businesses are demanding their employees vaccinate or loss their jobs.

At least one hospital system in Ohio, shows that up to one third of the nurses will refuse vaccination. Even at the cost of losing their jobs and being fired. If this were to occur then it will collapse the hospital system in the US as there is already a shortage of nurses. As in currently the US doesn’t have enough nurses working to serve everyone who is sick.
Losing even 10% of the nurses would mean would this. As in hospitals would have to turn away extremely sick patients because they didn’t have enough staff on hand. And it wouldn’t just be covid patients either. This would be true even if they cancer or and extreme trauma injury like a stab wound or gunshot. Basically if one gets ill this winter, or has the misfortune to be in a car accident, you may not get proper medical care in the future.
This was not the expected reaction the government hoped that approving the vaccine before clinical trials are over would produce. Many of the hesitant nurses are not stupid and realize that the experts have been wrong many times in the past. It seems like those who don’t want the vaccine will likely never get. Even if they are threatened with their jobs.

And this won’t just end with nurses either. In the transportation industry this could cause supply chain disruptions preventing food from getting to your table. In the electric industry this mean power outages will last long. That produces a major societal break in the population. The type that causes rebellion and revolution to occur.
Shit could literally hit the fan this month. Also September is National Preparedness Month, so start preparing for this societal break now! If a portion of the service industry is fired for refusing an experimental vaccine you will be on your own soon. Learn and prepare the best can.