2022 Aries Ingress US – A Year of Big Changes Part 1

On March 20, 2022 at 11:34 AM EDT in Washington D.C, the Sun ingressed into Aries starting the astrological new year. For the US in particular this will be a year of big changes. This year’s ascendant is Gemini, so mutable change rules the year and every three months, the Sun’s ingress into a new Cardinal sign, a new chart is need to navigate the US’s future.

So this year’s Artie Ingress chart will only be valid until the Summer Solstice June 21, 2022 at 5:14 AM EDT and then the Caner Ingress Chart will take effect. The overall theme of the the Aries Ingress and the next three months is the government is reacting to foreign events and making decisions. So here are a the major highlights that will occur over the next three months:
The Sun in located in the 10th House in Aries, so the actions of the President will be in focus until June. Despite the obvious mental challenges Biden faces due to his advanced age, indicated by the Neptune and Mercury in Pisces, he will remain in power and it is unlikely the 25th Amendment will be invoked at this time. Because not only is the Sun dignified there, but so is the Midheaven ruler, Jupiter, therefore he will be more publicly visible during this time and the policies set by the presidency will have major impact on the American people.
Speaking of the people, they can also be represented by the Moon in the chart. Here the Moon in the 5th House is the square Pluto in the 8th House. Let’s say, this represented the people’s fun and creativity hampered by the Deep State. One aspect already relevant is high gas prices as the Deep State is determined to hurt Russia for its invasion of Ukraine even if it means also hurting the average person too. Less people will be taking fun vacations over the next few months for sure.

And financial issues caused by foreign entanglement will provided an unexpected shock to Congress. This is the Uranus in 11th House square the Venus Mars conjunction in the 9th House. The Russia Ukraine may be the first financial shock but unlikely the last. sanctions against pro-Russia countries will likely follow. Fallout from other wars and promises of US aid may quickly become an election hot topic for mid terms this Fall.
The last aspect in this chart reinforces the last point. It is the Saturn square the Nodes. Saturn is the 9th House. The US has some major decisions to make regarding our long term strategy for foreign trade. Saturn is restrictions and embargoes so it seems likely more sanctions will be coming up soon. This time not just Russia, but China as well and maybe even India. As a decision point in the chart this can either be a good thing or a bad thing, but given it is the at South Node Bending, look to the US government not making the best decision here.

This all this change by the government sets us for summer when the people respond and begin to implement their own changes for the year.