A History of Rome and Pluto Returns Part 6: Implication’s for New Rome’s, America’s, First Pluto Return

After analyzing Rome’s Pluto Returns, what does this mean for the upcoming US Pluto Return? Are we able to experience and internal crisis that results in a change of government. Or is there an external threat to the US that needs to be dealt with. Could an autocratic ruler rise in the US and become dictator?
Given the possibilities listed, I am going to eliminate one right away. It is very unlikely that the US will get a strong autocratic ruler during this time. Despite how some in the media view Trump, the concept of representative democracy in the US is still too strong to replace the current system with an Emperor. This despite some Trump supporters wanting him to declare himself the God-Emperor of the US and lead us on a great crusade to bring order to universe.

An external crisis or threat for the US at this time would be war with a peer nation. This would either be Russia, China, or both of them at the same thing. Any war involving those countries would be a World War likely fought with weapons of mass destruction. So it would be an Existential War too.
Of the choices here, China seems the most likely candidate for the peer adversary in the external crisis scenario. The US and China have a current trade war with each other, China is making aggressive moves towards neighboring countries, and China faces several internal problems, such as a surplus of men, that can only be solved through war.

Many geopolitical strategists think the next major war the US fights will be against China. Some think that war was already declared too. In the late 1990s two Chinese colonels Qiao Liang and Wang Xiansgui published a document called Unrestricted Warfare. In it is describes war not in purely military terms but as a series of economic, technological, and cultural methods to achieve victory.
In other words, China sees warfare not as sending their army over seas but as destroying the US economy, bribing or blackmailing US politicians to do their bidding here, and sowing civil unrest to keep the US divided, buying off the media here to spread its propaganda. Even using biological weapons is not out of the question. Read every one of those links please and then ask yourself if we are at war with China.
This is not to say that the US doesn’t have it’s internal problems too. In fact having an internal crisis at this point is just as likely as a war with China, if not more so. For instance, China funding the BLM protests in the US doesn’t mean that BLM complaints about the US criminal justice system aren’t valid. At best it is an example of China taking advantage of an existing internal issue and magnifying it until it becomes destructive.

Peter Turchin, in his book Ages of Discord, outlines the several convergent trends in US history that have led to internal crises in the past and are currently happening now. These are structural and demographic changes in the US that have nothing to do with China. For example one of the changes he talks about is elite overproduction. This is when there are more elite people then positions available for them. When that happens the elite will go to war with each other in a society to fight over those limited positions.
He thinks there is a high risk of civil war in the not too distant future. This should not be surprising, the first US civil war coincided with the US’s first Neptune Opposition! The most surprising discovery in the Roman History analysis was how the Neptune modulated the Pluto Returns because it either occurred at either the opposition or conjunction point to the natal Neptune.
The first Pluto Return will always have a Neptune opposition to the natal Neptune because of the 3:2 orbital resonance. So in order to get clues to how this opposition manifested in the past one has to look back to the start of the US Civil War. This was the first time Neptune opposed the US’s natal Neptune.

Americans are also more politically divided than ever before as demonstrated by the recently US Presidential elections. Joe Biden has apparently won the election, but a large number of Trump supporters are convinced that Biden and his supporters rigged the election in the key counties to win.
While the multiple court challenges have all gone in Biden’s favorable, having such a large percentage of the US population believing the recent election was not proper is a big sign that the US has some major internal issues which need to be addressed as soon as possible. If Republicans believe that the Democrats will cheat in every election going forward they will have no choice but to use force to obtain what they want politically.
And of course China is there ready exploit this division in the US. So for the US, while it mainly will be an internal political crisis, it can easily involve a external threat crisis depending on China’s influence. No matter the scenario it is hard to imagine the US getting through its Pluto Return as the same nation that existed even a few years ago. This will likely be the most trying time in US history.
Rome’s Founding Mythical Chart
Ancient Rome’s Pluto Returns: Governance Crisis and Barbarian Attack!
Byzantium Rome’s Pluto Returns: Invaders at the Gates!
Medieval Rome’s Pluto Returns: Religious Reform within While Chaos is Outside