Bitcoin’s 1st Halving – The Deflation Begins

Finally, I am getting back to going over Bitcoin charts after a long absence. Today’s chart is the 1st Halving event on November 28, 2012. Before I go over the chart, let me explain what is meant by “Halving”.
Miners process the the transactions on the Bitcoin Network into blocks. When a miner finds a block they get a reward of Bitcoin for doing so. This reward is divided into two components. First is the coinbase reward. This is composed of new Bitcoin. The second is the transaction fees. This is based on the speed of transaction and the number of transactions. The transaction fee reward is typically around then 1 Bitcoin in total but can vary.
The Halving refers to the fact that every 210,000 blocks, the coinbase reward for of Bitcoin is decreased in half. Originally, the coinbase reward was 50 Bitcoin per block. After the 1st Halving, the reward dropped to 25 Bitcoins per block. The goal of this is quickly get a large number of Bitcoins in circulation during the start up years and then once all 21 million Bitcoins have been mined, switch over to just rewarding new blocks with the transaction fees. In other words this is the way Bitcoin becomes deflationary.

Because this is a deflationary event. I think it is appropriate that the ruling planet for it is Saturn. So I will look primarily at the Saturn in the Halving chart and it compared to the Bitcoin Genesis Chart. First here is the chart for Bitcoin’s 1st Halving. I am using London, England as the location to keep it consistent with the Bitcoin Genesis Chart. Because the location is debatable, I will refrain from interpreting the House placements, and instead focus on the Planets and Signs.

Saturn here is in Scorpio. It is conjunct Venus which is a good description for deflation of money. Saturn makes several other aspects here. A sextile to a Mars Pluto conjunction, a trine to Neptune, and a quincunx to Uranus. Of these the most important in this chart is the Mars Pluto sextile in Capricorn. This indicates a very active change in the structure of the system. The last aspects Saturn makes here is another quincunx to the Moon and a semi-sextile to the Sun.
Looking beyond Saturn for a minute one can see that the position of the Sun and Moon indicates a Full Moon Eclipse. This block was found shortly after this eclipse occurred. I guess the timing couldn’t have better. Eclipses designate important Mundane events and this is definitely one of them. Remember in the early days of Bitcoin no one knew whether certain parts of the program worked until after they happened. This is the first demonstration of a deflationary electronic currency in the world, directly to the public.
Not only that, but the moon forms the focal point of the yod anchor by the Saturn Venus conjunction on one side and a Mars Pluto conjunction on the other. The Sun becomes the release point. I should stop and mention some general words about a yod. A yod is sometimes called the Finger of God because it points and activates a certain planet to bring out that planet’s full potential. But this potential can only be obtained after a challenge due to the anchor points it quincunxes.
Here not only this a yod, but a focused yod too with the Sun opposing the Moon. The Sun in this case acts as pressure relief valve making the full potential of the Moon easier to obtain. With Bitcoin at this time the challenge is creating a deflationary currency (Venus & Saturn) that is dynamic and changing system (Mars & Pluto) that gains public acceptance (Moon). The way forward is shown by the Bitcoin Core development Team, a group of 5 programmers who took over the Bitcoin Development after Satoshi left and disappeared.
One should remember at this time the acceptance of Bitcoin by the public was not assured. But given that Bitcoin is still around today I think they succeeded in activating this yod to its full potential.
Next, is how does this chart compare to the Bitcoin’s Genesis Chart? Actually very nicely as there are a lot of good contacts. First the Saturn and Venus and Square Bitcoin’s nodes. This shows the Bitcoin network at a fated crossroads. Does it succeed or fail? Well, I think we already know the answer to that one.

The Halving Saturn also sextiles Bitcoin’s Natal Mars, trines Bitcoin’s Natal Venus, and quincunxes Bitcoin’s Moon. In fact all of these planets by other planets in the Halving chart. The Halving Mars Pluto conjunction is conjunction the Natal Mars, the Halving Neptune is conjunct the Natal Venus, the Halving Uranus is conjunct the Natal Moon.
The Halving Uranus conjunct the Natal Moon mean unexpected public interest for the first time. This aspect is sextile to the Halving Moon too. These two points form a second yod with the Halving Saturn at the focal point. This is even present in the Halving chart, but I mention it here because the Bitcoin’s Natal Moon is involved in this aspect in the biwheel chart. This yod is harder to activate because there is no release point, but it shows the greatest benefit to Bitcoin comes through the deflationary aspect of the system.
In all, I think the yods, combined with the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse caused many in the public to take notice of Bitcoin and what was happening. In the case of the Eclipse yod, the leadership team of Bitcoin Core was able to gain boarder public support after this event. But for the 2nd Halving 4 years later a different story would unfold….