February 24, 2022 – Special Report on the Russia-Ukraine War!

In the early morning hours of February 24, 2022 around 6 AM Moscow Time, Vladimir Putin announce the formal start of military operations in Ukraine to protect the Donbass region from Ukrainian aggression. The real reason probably has to do more with NATO expansion into the area then protecting civilians in Donbass.
Since there is a time for the announcement, astrologers to can look at what are Russia’s chances of victory. Or more likely does Ukraine stand a chance. Given the geography, size of the countries, and the fact the Ukrainian Military’s power is not very good, most analysis don’t think Ukraine can win without outside help.
Analyzing the chart according the astrological rules of warfare, Russia since they started the war, they get the 1st House, Capricorn, which is ruled by a dignified Saturn in Aquarius also in the first house due to an inception. And more to Russia’s advantage nearly every planet is in the 1st House too! Nearly all the stars are aligned to help Russia in the fight and win!

So just like the professional military analyst knew and feared, Russia has far more resources at its’ disposal for the war then Ukraine and it looks very likely they will win. But first let’s check the 7th House because if its’ ruler is dignified Ukraine may have a chance.
Here the 7th House is Cancer, ruled by a Moon in the 12th House with no essentially dignity. Therefore, Ukraine will lose this war probably quickly too since the Moon is fast in a mutable sign, one where the outcomes can change quickly. The only good news about the Moon being the 10th House is now the world’s focus in on them. Other nations will have sympathy for short while, but likely not to get involved.
However, Russia doesn’t come out of this situation looking good on the world diplomatic stage. The South Node is conjunct the Midheaven in Scorpio says their international status will take a hit. This is also opposite the last Lunar Eclipse in 2021, which for the US I foretasted more economic fallout. This will likely happen in Russia too as the only way other countries could response is by sanctions. And extreme trade sanctions are likely coming to Russia soon. Russia will feel some economic pain from this.