GLAC Day 2 – June 29, 2019
Unlike the previous day, there are no speakers from my local area today. Also unlike the previous day I did get a chance to look at the schedule and really plan out my day. So I kind of decided which speakers to go to at the last minute.
The first lecture I went to today was Forecasting with Annual Profections, by Adam Elenbaas. Annual Profections are an ancient technique for determining one fate based on the year, your ascendant and the whole sign house system. Your ascendant becomes your 0 year and every year you move to the next sign rotating around the zodiac.

Once you find your sign, the ruler of the sign and the planet in it become important along with the signs that they rule. Transits can be added to get additional information. Adam had several charts examples that demonstrated on how to use this technique.
The next lecture I went to was Horary – One, Two, Three by Anne Ortelee. This lecture discussed the basic rules for practicing Horary Astrology. The one thing I learn from this that I didn’t know before hand was that the astrologer only selects the time for the questions once they understand the question, not when the client ask it. This is important in the electronic age when clients can send you questions by email at any time of the day.
This is a shorten version of a workshop she gives on the subject that last an entire day. After learning the basics rules she showed several chart examples on how this works. The most interesting part of this lecture was Anne asked the everyone to write down a question at 11:30 AM. At the end of the lecture she answer the questions of several different people using that chart time as a demonstration on how an horary chart can answer multiple questions by different people.
I skipped the lunch lecture today to concentrate on socializing with the other attendees, so the next lecture I attend was in the afternoon. It was Where’s the Money in Your Chart? By Sandra-Leigh Serio. This lecture discussed using the 2nd and 8th houses along with the planets in them and the rulers of the houses to demonstrate where find the money in your chart.
Just as important are the placements of Venus, Jupiter, Pluto, and Nodes. Even if one doesn’t have those planets in the 2nd or 8th house, their placement in the chart can indicated how one can obtain money. Several different chart examples of famous billions were presented to illustrate this point.
The final lecture I went to today was the Rulers of the Ages – Saturn Conjunct Jupiter by Pat Perkins. She talked on the upcoming Saturn-Jupiter Conjunction in Aquarius that will occur on December 21, 2020. She gave some good background on the previous Saturn-Jupiter conjunctions especially the one in 1840s the began the period in the earth signs.

By Johannes Kepler – De Stella Nova in pede Serpentarii (1606), Public Domain,
There was also some background on how this conjunct at least during the most the period it was in earth signs was associated with Presidents dying in office. She gave a good interpretation of the upcoming Saturn -Jupiter conjunction chart and pointed out that there is a difficult Pluto square Mars & Eris aspect in the chart, which may indicate we will in for an interesting 20 years.
If you are interested in hearing more about any of the lectures I talked about I would suggest you go to the GLAC’s store to purchase the lectures when they become available.
On a side note, I am glad I was able to finish this post before I attend this evening banquet.
Edited 07/19/2019 – Spelling