GLAC Day 3 – June 30, 2019
Too much went on yesterday so I couldn’t update everything last night. So there will be several post today on GLAC and on the upcoming eclipse.
The first lecture I went to yesterday was Astrologers as Advisers to Kings & Emperors, by Phil Meade. His lecture focused on the the relationships between kings and their astrologers. This lecture mainly went over the history and lives, kings, emperors, and presidents and the astrologers they worked with. There was not many charts in this lecture but I found it refreshing to discuss some history of astrology and how different cultures accepted the practice at the highest level of government.
The next lecture I went was Parans and Crossing: What are They and Why Should I Care? by Madaalyn Hillis-Dineen. “Parans are simultaneous transits over two to more bodies over the horizon or meridian circles of a given place at the same time” Parans are latitude specific.

In the lecture she goes over the different planet combination that can rise together and gives interpretations for each of them. This concept can also be combined with astrocartography and local space readings too and she demonstrated this well.
I then went to Gary Caton’s lecture on Essential Dignity, The Almuten and the Soul. This lecture was on finding the Almuten of the of your chart. This is done by taking the essential dignity at the degree of the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Part of Fortune, and your prenatal lunation. The Almuten is found by adding up the planet with the most essential dignity at those points at these points. This planet is then said to represent your Daemon, and your soul in your chart.

The last lecture I went was July 2019 Eclipses – Our County, The World, and Ourselves, by Diane Trimbath. Diane is a local Cleveland area astrologer who regularly has monthly lectures on the upcoming planetary alignments for every month. This lecture was no different. She talked about the upcoming eclipses that will happen starting tomorrow on how they will effect our country. She then went our over how this affects other countries as well including Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela, and North Korea.
At the end of the day a group of us went out to star gaze with Gemini Brett. We observed Jupiter and Saturn, along with several major stars including Vega, Arcturus, Spica, Altair, and Regulus. We then found Polaris, and Gemini Brett explained how to orient oneself to the cardinal directions, find the ecliptic, and then determine the major angles of the astrology chart without the use of a computer.
So I didn’t get back to the hotel room until very late and I could post until today. The post conference is today and Gemini Brett will be sharing on how to Activate Your Hidden Superpowers in your chart.
If you are interested in hearing more about any of the lectures I talked about I would suggest you go to the GLAC’s store to purchase the lectures when they become available.