GLAC Post-conference – July 1, 2019
After the main conference was over, the last day is the post-conference workshop and lecture. For the post-conference Gemini Brett discussed the Way of the 7 rays. This is on how the aspects in the chart in your chart can activate your own superpowers. These super powers are the planets that don’t traditionally aspect, the quincunx and semi-sextile.
He related these aspects to the consciousness experiments involving infusion intention into water or food. Loving food doesn’t rot quickly and this relates to the traditional beneficial aspects. Hating the food makes it rot more quickly and this relates to the traditionally malefic aspects. But ignoring the food has the worst outcome. This relates to the quincunx and semi-sextile.
How does one relate to these aspects so they are not ignored? Based on the order of signs in the zodiac, he developed a system where planets that do aspect traditionally the ones that don’t are able to communicate either by “transmitting the light”. Additionally, aspect can be formed between the signs based on antiscia, contra-antisia, which relate to the parallels and contra-parallels by latitude in ones chart. By working with these aspects one can find the aspects to activate those planet combinations and claim your superpowers.

The best thing I liked about the lecture is that he relates astrology to astronomy and correspondences. This is the difference between the quantity of the number or sound and the quality of the sound. Geometry is number is space, music is number in time. Astrology is a combination of both. The signs and aspects are just vibration. They can be related to the sound. Gemini Brett does a good job demonstrating this as he plays music related to the planets and aspects.
This is the last post on GLAC for 2019. The conference this year was very fun. I got to meet a lot of new people and made many new friends. I hope to see even more people there next year!