Happy Jupiter Return Bitcoin!

Before we get to the big event for the Christmas season, the Jupiter Saturn Conjunction, let’s pause to look at an event that is a little less interesting but perhaps just as big. Bitcoin’s Jupiter Return. The Jupiter Return is when Jupiter comes back to same place it was in the natal chart. This happens about once every 12 years to everyone.
By casting a Jupiter Return chart one can see what the next Jupiter cycle is like just like how a Solar Return is cast to see one’s forecast for the next year. Since Bitcoin is a technology and not person, casting a Jupiter Return may be more useful that a Solar Return, especially for long term growth potential.
Jupiter is the planet of growth and maturation. When a person experiences a Jupiter Return it marks important transitions in life. The first return for most is the start puberty. The second return is the transition from young adulthood to full adulthood. The third return marks the transition to middle age and so forth. Each person will experience these periods differently base on what the the Jupiter Return Chart shows.
For Bitcoin’s Jupiter Chart, the time is December 17, 2020 12:36:02 PM UTC. I use London as the chart location for Bitcoin even though the location isn’t known. Therefore, the house positions should not be read in this chart.

But what can be read are the aspects to Jupiter. It is weakly conjunct Pluto in Capricorn, while more strongly conjuncts Saturn out of sign in Aquarius. It also conjuncts the Moon out of sign in Aquarius. It moderately sextiles Venus in Sagittarius. And finally it does make a weak semi-sextile to the Sun in Sagittarius.
What does the mean? In short there will growing pains as Bitcoin enters its puberty. The semi-sextile to the Sun means the technology, while forward thinking and sound, takes a back seat to main issue. Government control. This is shown with Pluto in Capricorn. There are some indications that Westerns governments are beginning to really take notice of Bitcoin and ready to start increasing the regulations.
But from looking at the chart, this is separating aspect. Government control of the technology is probably not possible. Instead it is applying to a Saturn in Aquarius. This is a forward looking aspect and not one that looking to the past for a solution.
This is the problem with many current proposed government regulations for Bitcoin or cryptocurrency in general. They are trying to the fit a brand new concept of money into the old regulatory framework we have used for the last 100 years or so. This will not work
Luckily for Bitcoin, the public will not accept the old government control either. With the Moon, the public, will greatly support a new Saturn in Aquarius based system as they are ready for a change in the way finances work.
And lastly we have Venus. This sextile is the support of the existing fiat money exchanges for Bitcoin. Some of this can already be seen in the PayPal’s adoption of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency in general. They are aggressively moving into the cryptocurrency space in order to adapt to changing market conditions.

This aspects also supports the the fact that Bitcoin is at an all time high in US dollars during its Jupiter Return. Expect the the price to go even higher as I foretasted in Bitcoin 3rd Halving – Stationary Deflation. In fact, this is likely the beginning of a year long bull market while Jupiter moves into Aquarius that correlates with the expected price increase according to the stock-to-flow price model.

In conclusion Bitcoin is a lot like a teenager right now. Trying to grow are rebel against the authority of a controlling parent. There are going to be a lot of challenges over the next 12 years primarily from government, but that doesn’t mean Bitcoin won’t thrive. In fact, it likely will as everyone is now ready for the revolutionary change in money that it brings.