Hurricane Ida Strikes New Orleans – When Venus Is Involved in Disasters

On Sunday, August 29, 2021 at 11:55 AM CDT in Port Fouchon, Louisiana, Hurricane Ida made landfall as a Category 4 storm with winds over150 mi/h (240 km/h). While the storm struck 100 miles (161 km) south of New Orleans, as it moved up inland it’s winds didn’t weaken much. By the time it reached New Orleans, significant wind damage occur knocking out power to the entire city.

Over 200 high voltage transmission lines leading to the city were damaged. The local energy company has already indicated it could take up to month to restore power as they don’t know the full extent of the damage. They likely won’t for another few days as they have 2,000 miles (3,220 km) of transmission line to inspect.
This event occur exactly 16 years to day that another famous hurricane made landfall in approximately the same and severely damaged the City of New Orleans. That hurricane was Hurricane Katrina. It cause over 1,800 deaths and over $125 billion in damages. Multiple levees failed in the New Orleans destroying entire neighborhoods. Because of that the city lost 1/3 of its population and only recently starting recovering population.
What can the astrology of the two events tell us? First Hurricane Katrina made landfall at Buras, Louisiana on Sunday, August 29, 2005 at 6:10 AM in the morning. In the chart the first thing that jumps out is the Moon in Cancer trine Uranus Pisces. Unusual water events? Check! There was massive flooding caused by the storm which resulted in most the damage. For Katrina wind wasn’t a factor.

The other thing is the Venus, Jupiter and South Node are conjunct in Libra. Typically, Venus is in a good position here in its domicile, but is weaken by the South Node. It is also square to the Moon. This also places the Moon of the chart at the bendings of the Nodes. This suggest the flooding didn’t have to occur. Which is true as the levees where not designed correctly and pumping systems to help all failed during the storm.

Now looking at chart for Hurricane Ida, one can again see a Moon Node connection. This time it is Moon conjunct the North in Gemini. Ceres is involved this time too. Does that mean more grief over incident? Only time will tell. And instead of water sign, it is in an air sign. Wind damage was the major factor in this storm.

But, the Moon conjunct the North Means this matter was likely unavoidable compared to the avoidable disaster with the levees before. That is because most transmission towers were not designed to survive 150 mph wind! The last hurricane to strike Louisiana with wind speeds that great was the 1856 Last Island Hurricane. Engineers in the 1960s only designed the towers to survive 125 mph (201 km/h) wind and while modern

The other interesting fact about the chart is that Venus is nearly at the same spot as the Hurricane Katrina’s Venus. That is because both events happened during the larger Venus cycle. Venus returns nearly to the same spot in the sky every 8 years. These events being 16 years apart mean that this is the second Venus cycle since Hurricane Katrina.
But why would Venus at approximately 15 degree Libra be activated in such a bad way when it is suppose to be highly dignified? The answer can be found in the natal chart for the City of New Orleans. The chart used here is not the founding of the city, but it’s incorporate chart to the legal US definition of a city. This is common for many cities in the US.
New Orleans was incorporated om February 17, 1805. A noon chart is used because the exact time isn’t known. So the position of the Moon probably isn’t correct. The Moon is however at 16 Libra conjunct a retrograde Saturn at 15 Libra! Discounting the Moon influence due to the uncertain time, 15 Libra becomes a hot degree for New Orleans due to its natal Saturn placement.

Having a Saturn in Libra is a wonderful thing since it is in its exaltation. In a mundane natal interpretation of this placement, one potential meaning for this is that New Orleans will always have wonderful infrastructure. In a way this has always been true. The city of New Orleans probably shouldn’t exist as it is mostly below sea level. The earthen levees protect it often from destruction by floods, which outside of hurricane season occur regularly along the Mississippi River.
Venus is conjunct this Saturn during both hurricanes. Other major aspects between New Orleans’ chart and hurricane’s charts include, he hurricane’s Sun opposition New Orleans Pluto and the hurricane’s Saturn on the either end of New Orleans’ Mercury/Venus-Mars opposition.

The Sun Pluto Opposition is very interested as it is stressful time of the year for anyone. One has to wonder how often hurricanes strike within orb of that transit. However, the main action is the hurricane’s Saturn opposition stressing the natal Mercury-Venus conjunction, which also opposes Mars in the New Orleans chart. Again a Venus-Saturn theme is present.
How would one interpret Venus in a disaster then? Venus is likely is involved in disaster when there is not proper investment or malinvestment in the infrastructure. For example the levees with Katrina were a known issue since 1965 when Hurricane Betsy struck and they failed. Congress authorized a 13 year project then to fix the issue before the next hurricane hit New Orleans. When Katrina hit was still being constructed and scheduled to be complete in 2015!
This time levees held mostly. The same ones didn’t fail again, but it looks some levees South of New Orleans did. Still the flooding was much less before. This time the malinvestment was in the bulk transmission electrical grid. Transmission structures designed to survive Category 3 hurricanes failed when it a Category 4 hurricane struck.
So once again Venus triggers disaster to the city of New Orleans when fails to properly invest in its future! It is unknown at the time of writing how longer the power will be out in the city but every indication is will be out for far longer then normal even after a hurricane.
1 million people in the dark and in the heat without air conditioning for a week or more could trigger a disaster every bit as big as Katrina did 16 years ago. Only time will tell if this happens.