July 2019 Full Moon – Hidden Trouble Arrives
Well the fun couldn’t last too long. It never does. The Moon goes full on Thursday August 15, 2019 at 8:29 AM. In the Washington D.C. chart, this happens in the 6th House, with the Moon opposing not only the Sun, but also Venus and Mars in the 12th House. This is a configuration where hidden enemies are revealed. Both in our personal lives and on mundane level.

Personally, with the Full Moon in the 6th House people may have more difficulty at work or with their health. These issues may be revealed around this time. The 12th House can also mean self undoing. Your biggest enemy may be yourself! For most people this is the case. So watch out and make sure you watch your finances (Venus ruler of the 2nd House), communication with others (Mars ruler of the 3rd House), other’s finances (Mars ruler of the 8th House), and your actions at college or church (Venus ruler of the 9th House).
Of course if you do have very big secret enemies they are likely to stay hidden (Sun ruler of the 12th House). Most people don’t, but for those out there battling the Illuminati, tough luck it looks like they stay in the shadows and escape again… for now!
Two other aspects of note. First two planets are on the angels making a square to each other. Jupiter on the IC and Neptune on the Descendant. One on one relationships with others may not be clear at this time. This may place stress on your home situation. Perhaps you can’t see a family member clearly.

The other one is Mercury square Uranus. Unexpected deep conversations with friends may lead to disagreements and stress. For those who experience this remember that this is a temporary aspect.
How does this work on the mundane level? First because the Full Moon is the 6th House expect revelations about the health care system, particularly in regards to money. Businesses that employ a lot of workers especially ones that have unions or employ a large number may see more discontent among the workforce. Also due to money.
From all my old books on the mundane astrology, everyone of them mentions the Moon in the 6th House as afflicting the Navy. While the older interpretations seem to indicate that problems with personnel affecting the readiness, given the placement in Aquarius and modern technology I will go with a different prediction. The US Navy shoot down its own drone near Iran. Miscommunication and technology errors will combine to make this happen. And it will cause disorder in the Navy.

Finally we come to the hidden enemies of the US. Who are they? Basically it is ourselves! However if one would look a specific groups I would have to say large banks (Venus ruler of the 2nd House), communication companies (Mars ruler of the 3rd House), credit card companies & insurance (Mars ruler of the 8th House), and colleges (Venus ruler of the 9th House). At the of course parts of the Deep State! (Sun ruler of the 12th House). But how all of these connect together is a story for another time.