July 2019 Leo New Moon – Let’s Have Fun Unexpectedly!

This lunar month we are going to take a break from the usual Trade War, Currency War, and Semi-Secret Deep State Civil War events and to do something really unexpected. Have Fun! On July 31, 2019 at 11:11 PM the New Moon arrives in Leo. Leo is a very playful sign. In the mundane chart for the US it is in the 5th house which is the fun house in astrology. This is the time where everyone in the US can take a break, go to the theater, a sports game, or movies and generally have a good time.

The main planetary aspect to the New Moon is a square to Uranus. So there may be some unexpected challenges to the fun. So don’t try to plan the fun out to much. Besides the best fun is the unplanned spontaneous get together. It could also mean that the fun may find you in an unexpected way. But that is if you are working too much and not taking a proper break from your job.
What else may you unexpectedly find that could also have challenges? Love. The New Moon is conjunct Venus in the 5th House. And Venus is making a tighter square to Uranus. So if you are looking for a new romantic partner, now is the time to get out there and find them! Just remember that it may not happen way you think and it could possibly be someone who you wouldn’t expect.

Now, if you already got that partner you should take the romance to the next level as this is also a good time for having or making children too. This is especially true with Mars in the 5th House. But Mars here can also represent accidents or fires in the theaters or other entertainment facilities. This could also involve accidents to famous actors and actresses. This may involve the passing of them since Mars trines Jupiter in the 8th House.
But aside from some possible malefic Mars activity now is the time to go out and have a good time. Let’s forget all about the Saturn, Pluto, and the South Node in Capricorn in the 10th house. That will still be there next month! Except it ruins the party by moving to the 5th house. So be merry, do fun things, play games, go romance someone special, and make a baby with them (results may vary) now before the we all get back to the daily grind.