July 2019 Partial Lunar Eclipse – Realizing the Permanent Change in Your Financial Situation

Tomorrow afternoon in the US there will be a Partial Lunar Eclipse. So the Lunar eclipse will be visible on the other side of the world. In fact North America is practically the only place in the world where the lunar eclipse is not visible from.
The Lunar Eclipse chart for Washington D.C. occurs at 5:37 PM on July 16, 2019. This places the Lunar Eclipse in the 2nd house. The eclipse is joined by 3 degree conjunction to Pluto and a 8 degree conjunction to Saturn. It also pulls in Venus at a 8 degree orb that is directly opposite Saturn. This represents a permanent change in the status of money, one that is just realized.

For a personal interpretation, it can may mean that one has more or less money than they thought they had. The alternative personal interpretation is that one has realized that their values or what they value has changed. Either interpretation would depend how Saturn and Pluto functions in their natal chart and what houses the eclipse is in.
Looking at the mundane perceptive, it is easy to see how this will play out. The trade war becomes a currency war practically overnight. Even a month ago mainstream media was warning the current trade war with china could easily become a currency war. The only difference is that they are wrong (as usual) about the timing. It won’t take 2 years for this to happen. Try less than 6 months.
Why the acceleration? Because the US doesn’t just have to worry about state actors, but there are non-state actors as well. President Trump has already given us a preview of the upcoming currency war when on July 11, 2019 he declared he is not a fan of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency in general.
Remember, in my post on Facebook’s Libra, the US Senate scheduled hearing on the proposal on the day of the Lunar Eclipse. Not wanting to wait any longer, the House is planning to introduce a new bill to ban tech companies like Facebook from entering banking and creating their own cryptocurrency by fining them a million dollars a day.
The cryptocurrency community reacted in predictable fashion to this news. Achievement Unlocked! Bitcoin was always designed to change money. And the US government is beginning to realize it.