Kabul Falls! US War in Afghanistan is Over! – A Generation Shift to Peace and Apathy

As I am writing this post, thousands of US citizens and US allies in Afghanistan are being evacuated by what ever means necessary as the Taliban seizes control of the country. The Afghan President has fled with most of his government and the US trained trained Afghan army is surrendering en mass as it collapses.

The rapid pace of this is so fast that the US is likely not to be able to evacuate everyone in time. US citizens, likely will be rescued, however many Afghan allies will be likely be left behind. In fact in many areas seized in the past weeks have already seen massacres of local Afghans who helped the US forces. Their entire families reportedly were also killed to to set an example for.
For older Americans, this is very much like the Fall of Saigon which ended the Vietnam War in 1975. In fact astrologically the event is very similar. Like the current US-Afgan War, according to historians, the Vietnam War lasted about 20 years. While the exact start is is debatable the US government currently lists the date of November 1, 1955 as the start. This is when the U.S. Military Assistance Advisory Group in Indochina was sent in to help the South Vietnam military.

Pulling up the chart for that and setting it to noon, since an exact time this happened wasn’t found, one can clearly see this was not going to be an easy war. Jupiter is in a closing square to Saturn here. Since the war lasted 20 years focusing on the Jupiter-Saturn cycle is key for understanding how it ended the way it did.

The end of the Vietnam War with the Fall of Saigon, on April 30, 1975 at 5:20 AM, when the last of the embassy personnel were evacuated, one can clearly see Jupiter and Saturn are in another closing square. This time they are in different signs and approximately trine the original positions. The same energy by planets is there but the expression is different because of the signs. In a sense this completed cycle, abet not a traditional one.

And here in lies why the US left Vietnam. The generation that came of age in 1970s, decided not to focus their energies on the last generation’s war effort. They wanted to define themselves in a different way. The 20 year Jupiter-Saturn cycle is all about how the different generations define their social roles as they move through time and get older. And in the case of a long war., unless the next generation is 100% committed to it, they likely won’t want to to continue fighting it and give up.
This was what happened in Vietnam, as the US typically hasn’t fought long wars in its history. Americans like to focus of business more so then war and are always looking for something new to get involved in. Meanwhile the Vietnamese had continuously been fighting since World War II. First against the Japanese and then against the French. They outlasted both and were 100% prepared to outlast the Americans no matter how many generations it took.

Flash forward to Afghanistan at the start of the US war on October 7, 2001 1 PM EST. The Afghani people there had continuously been in war with only short periods of peace since the the late 1970s. They were just as committed as the Vietnamese to fight as long as possible, and maybe more so since they had been in war even longer. This should have been an warning to the US policy makers at the time to not repeat the same mistakes as Vietnam.

They obviously didn’t listen. In the US-Afghanistan War start chart Jupiter and Saturn are in an exact opening semi-sextile. Like a square this not a easy aspect to work with. But unlike a square which is powerful and out in open this aspect is more hidden from public view.
In fact the the entire US-Afghan War has been like that. Out of site and out of mind for the average American. Overshadowed by the Second Iraqi War and with minimal troop loses there, it has become a non issue over the last decade as the US turned inward to focus on social issues. So it is quite the surprise that Americans are waking up realizing that they lost this war.

Because the the end of the war also came under an opening semi-sextile (not exact), the US will likely not take this are badly as we took the Fall of Saigon. In all likelihood this event will probably forgotten in a month or two. Because just like Vietnam, the current US generation was no interest in continuing the war over there at all. And it is not like this event is unprecedented, since there is a historical example.

However, the question arises what made the US repeat the same mistakes. Besides the Jupiter-Saturn cycle being in control of the war outcome, there is one more similarity in the charts between the Fall of Saigon and the Fall Kabul that shows why each end of war event was a hurried evacuation of the US embassy and key regional allies. The position of the nodes compared to the US natal chart.
Both events happened when the Nodes were in the first decan Gemini and Sagittarius. They are reversed when you compare the charts directly. The Fall of Saigon had the North Node in Sagittarius, while the Fall of Kabul has the North Node in Gemini. However they are approximately close by degrees.

The reason why the positions reversed produced the same result can be found when compared to the US natal chart. The US has Uranus in the first decan of Gemini close the 7th House cusp or Descendant. When the nodes are conjunct this can produce sudden reversals of US foreign policy or sudden reversal in the fortune of war!
Therefore in addition the Jupiter-Saturn cycle controlling generational interest in a long war, the US’s Natal Uranus when conjunct by either transiting nodes producing the sudden reversal of US foreign policy and war outcomes. Both of these transit occurred during two of the worst US foreign policy/war outcomes the US has had in the last fifty years.