Mercury Retrograde July 2019 – Misreading Miscommunicating with Friends and Family
On July 7, 2019 at 7:15 PM Mercury will station retrograde in the sign of Leo. Some of you may already be feeling this as Mercury entered its shadow on June 20, 2019. This was something that a lot of the attendees at GLAC were discussing since many of them are already feeling the effects of Mercury since it entered its shadow.
Personally, I haven’t felt any effects because right now Mercury is transiting my 12th house. All the effects are hidden from me. I have found that the house Mercury is transiting through during its retrograde relates to the area in life where the retrograde affects you the most.
This is similar to a theme in Gary Caton’s book on Mercury, Hermetica Triptycha: The Mercury Elemental Year. In this book he discusses how to use the 5-7 year cycle of Mercury retrogrades throughout all the signs for alchemic transformation of yourself. This is a good book to read and it has made me look not only at the Station Retrograde and direct charts, but also the Inferior Conjunction chart since you could need this one for your alchemic work. Therefore, I will look at all three charts for Mercury retrogrades.
Looking at the Mercury Station Retrograde chart, the retrograde station occurs in the 8th house. It makes two major aspects. A conjunction with Mars and a Square with Uranus. This means the retrograde will start with a bang (figuratively). Expect suddenly miscommunication with very close family members. There could be anger mixed in, and it will likely be on 8th house issues, like inheritance or possible a psychological issue.

There is also a weaker trine aspect to Ceres in the 11th house. This will likely be miscommunication between friends over spending time with one another. This is the only chart with Mercury in Leo, a fire sign. The rest of the charts are with Mercury in Cancer a water sign. So while the retrograde gets off to a hot start, it will cool down and become calmer after the first week.
When Mercury reaches its inferior conjunction with the Sun, the focus will shift to how you think about yourself with friends since this happens in the 11th house. The Mercury and the Sun make aspects to Pluto in the 5th house and to the Moon and Neptune in the 7th house. So you will have to think on how you and your close friends may have power struggles with fun and creative activities together, while at the same time there may be confusion about the friend relationship. I am thinking this would most likely occur either between best friends or it could be a friends with benefits type of situation.

Finally, Mercury stations 23 Cancer. This will make it the second planet to reach the July 16, 2019 Lunar Eclipse point. Venus will reach at that point first two days after the inferior conjunction of Mercury and the Sun. When Mercury stations Venus will reach the reach Mercury’s Station Retrograde point in Leo. So this will be a more powerful Mercury direct station than normal.

Mercury’s station direct occurs in the 4th house and directly opposes Pluto in the 10th house. This aspect is shows that any miscommunication between family will be cleared up, but there it might be difficultly that result in a public power struggle between family members. Mercury also makes a trine aspect to Neptune in the 11th house so the communication between friends clears up somewhat. it is an aspect to Neptune after all so maybe there is confusion on how to clearly communicate with them.
This is also a New Moon chart. The is a very young new moon in Leo. So I will have more on this next month when I discuss the next new moon.
One final note, Mercury Retrogrades do not have to be scary full of miscommunication and misunderstandings. Conscious application of Mercury Retrograde activities like reviewing or thinking before you speak can cut down on many of the negative aspects. Please practice this during the retrograde period!