Mueller’s Resignation… A Deep State Declaration of War Against Trump
Today at 11 AM in Washington D.C. Robert Mueller resigned as special consul ending his investigation into Russian meddling in US elections. This may not turn out to be an important event, but several things struck me as odd about it that make me think it could be. First a little background.
I am not sure if everyone is aware but currently the US government is more divided than ever. I don’t just mean the elected government which is grouped into clearly different political parties. I also mean the so called Deep State, a collection of un-elected lifelong bureaucrats who make a significant amount of policy decisions by themselves. The Deep State is really what has been controlling the US government since the end of World War II.
Until very recently (a few years) the Deep State was unified in the direction it was going. But now I think there are two separate factions in the Deep State. The Globalist Fraction and the Nationalist Fraction. The Globalist Fraction wants the US to integrate into a socialist international government probably modeled on the European Union. The Nationalist Fraction wants to have the US maintain its independence and put the interest of Americans first. The public figureheads of the Globalist Fraction would be Clinton & Obama while Trump is the figurehead of the Nationalist Fraction.
This is the way I view the situation. How does this relate to the Mueller resignation? First Mueller has always been aligned with Globalist Fraction of the Deep State. Otherwise he would have never been appointed special consul. Most of his team was also aligned with Globalist Fraction. The Globalist fraction’s current goal is to remove Donald Trump from the presidency. Or at the very least make it so he can not enact the Nationalist policy goals of his Deep State allies.
Since Mueller’s report has been made public and the narrative that Trump colluded with Russia collapsed (No evidence of this was found), the public figures of the Globalist Fraction have been at a lost on how to proceed. It is fair to assume the original plan was to find some crime, any crime, that Trump committed as preface for impeachment. This didn’t happened so Globalist Fraction needed to decide what to do next.
It appears that decision came today when Mueller resigned. Specifically his comments about the report are revealing. First, Mueller said “if we had the confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so.” He reiterated that he was bound by DOJ regulations against charging the president with a crime, and therefore did not decide whether he committed a crime. He noted that the Constitution has another way to address the conduct of presidents other than criminal charges. (Source: Zerohedge) This gives the Globalist Fraction’s public figures all the information they need. They are to proceed with impeachment proceedings most likely after a few months of additional investigations (because remember Mueller spent 2 years searching for something but didn’t find anything).
In other words, this can be taken as declaration of war against Trump. In astrology there are very specific rules for electing the time to start a war. How does this one stack up? Looking at the chart for the time of the press conference the first thing one should look at is the condition of the 1st and 7th houses. In this chart the 1st house would represent the Globalist Fraction while the 7th House represents the Nationalist Fraction.

The 1st house is Leo, which ruled by the Sun. Therefore we have to look at the condition of the Sun. In this chart the Sun is Located in the 10th house, but it is in Gemini and in peregrine and therefore without any essential dignity. In contrast the 7th house is Aquarius and ruled by Saturn. Saturn is located in the 6th house and is in its domicile and therefore has essential dignity. Using the the simple system of essential dignities Trump has a clear advantage.
But this doesn’t tell the whole story. Saturn is accidentally debilitated by being retrograde, conjunct the South Node, and Pluto. Pluto can act as a malefic unless consciously worked on. This would weaken the position of Saturn to act but I wouldn’t think it would be enough given that it is in its domicile.
Another factor to consider is any additional rules for a going to war chart. In medieval text we do find these. In J. Lee Lehman’s book “The Magic of Electional Astrology” she lays out in chapter 7 over a dozen different rules for going to war based on the Guido Bonatti’s Treatise 7 on Elections. Of these rules only two apply in this case.
- Do put the Ruler of the 1st in higher in the chart than the Ruler of the 7th.
- Do put the Ruler of the 10th in an easy aspect to the Ruler of the 1st, and not aspecting the Ruler of the 7th.
For the first rule that applies it is clear the Sun is in a higher position in the chart, near he top. But the second rule that applies does not benefit the 1st house at all. In fact the worst possible outcome happens. The ruler of the 10th house is Venus. Venus is in the 10th house in its domicile and has essential dignity by triplicity too. It is also making a trine to Saturn within a 2 degree orb. This clearly strengthens the position of the the 7th house, and again gives a clear advantage to Trump and the Nationalist Fraction.
So in conclusion, I think the Globalist Fraction picked a battle they won’t be able to win.
edit 6/17/2019: spelling & grammar