Special Alert – Comet Omen for the Second Half of 2020

Recently, I learned that a comet appeared in the night sky. This comet is called Neowise F3 C/2020, which is one of the most uncreative names ever. Astronomers named after the telescope that discovered it. I kind of wish astronomers had better naming sense.
Nowadays, comets are discovered all of the time and it is quite common for several to be visible through telescopes throughout the year. What makes this one different is that it is now visible to the naked eye. This marks an important astrological event, the first time a comet has been visible to the naked eye in years. The last time this happened was with comet McNaught in 2007 which was mainly visible in the Southern hemisphere.
Naked eye visible comets are rare, and when ancient astrologers saw them knew something major was about to happen. Since they appeared at random times, and in random places in the night sky, they were seen as great disruptors to the order of the universe. Bad things usually followed. Kings died, wars were started, famine occurred, and pestilence spread. Nothing good came from them. Therefore comets were always regarded by the ancients as bad omens. When one appeared in the night sky the astrologers of the day took notice.
But in today’s age comets are almost predicted and not that important. I say almost because while we can discover them in the outer Solar System long before they become visible, scientist have no good way to determine which comets will become bright enough to be seen or not. This comet was actually predicted to only be visible through binoculars, but unexpectedly brighten as it approached the Sun.

But now that a comet appeared what does it mean? First, we have to find out when it first became visible. In the book, Mundane Astrology: The Astrology of Nations and States, it references that in mundane charts, comets are interpreted when they first become visible. There is some disagreement on when this occurs since the books were written after the inventions of telescopes, so I plan on explaining my reason to use the naked eye visibility on another more general post on comets in astrology in the future.
So when did the comet first become visible? To find that out took a little research. For example, one could use the SOHO camera and determine when it reached a magnitude that is visible to the naked eye, but this isn’t what is meant by the text. Visible means a person must observe it. Images from SOHO, despite how cool they are cannot be used.

Luckily there is a good online resource for this, the Comet Observation Database. It lists all observations of all comets in an easy to read database. The comet was first seen by the naked eye on July 1, 2020 at 11:46 UTC or 7:46 EDT. I am not sure where the comet was first observed because a name was listed not a location, but I suspect it may have been in the US west of the Eastern Time Zone.
Now that an exact time is determined, we have to find the location on the ecliptic. The easiest way to do this is to look it up in an online ephemeris. I used this one from In-The-Sky.org. I then set the location for the Washington D.C and choose the right date range. The last step was to then convert the Right Ascension to degrees in the Zodiac.

This gave me 28 degrees, 42 minutes of Gemini for the first visible appearance of the comet. This is location may be off by a few minutes but should be very close since the comet wasn’t that far off of the ecliptic. Now that, there is an exact time and degree of the Zodiac, the last step was placing it in a chart for Washington D.C. I ended up drawing it in using Paint.Net since this was a manual calculation.

Form looking at this chart several things become apparent. First, the only major aspect the comet makes with a chart point is a conjunction to the Moon’s North Node in the 11th House. With a conjunction to the Moon’s North Node, any effects of the comet will be magnified. Since comets are fuzzy, I suppose one could use an wider orb to bring a quincunx to Saturn in Aquarius in the 6th House and a square to Mars in Aries in the 9th House.
The comet is located in the 11th House and is ruled by a retrograde and combust Mercury in the 12th House. The comet also appears between the 0 degree Cancer Solar Eclipse and the 13 degree Capricorn Lunar Eclipse. I do think it is a little auspicious that this comet appeared between the Eclipses and if you use a 3 degree orb, this comet appears on the 0 degree Cancer Eclipse point making this an Eclipse comet.
This is like an exclamation mark on how import this eclipse is. 10 days after the Solar Eclipse on the World Axis the first visible comet in years appears. Some major, fated, and likely bad is about to happen. This will likely occur in the next 6 months to year with this comet. And whatever is coming to us, will seem very fated after the fact. Even if we don’t what it is.
In the US chart for Washington DC, that event will likely include Congress, as the 11th House in mundane astrology denotes it. Since Gemini is the sign it is in, this is likely to be involving legislation that needs to be redone or else it leads to ruin. It also be an unjust decision that provokes outrage. Worse case scenario, with the upcoming Presidential election, is that Congress has decide the Presidential election after a deadlocked Electoral College.
If ones brings in the bring in the square to Mars, then possible interprets include fires and accidents with ships, disruption of foreign trade, and possible deaths of religious leaders or judges. Worse case here would be the death of a Supreme Court Justice. At least one Justice has been in and out hospitals a lot lately. It won’t surprise me if this became an election issue that Congress gets involved in if this happens.
If ones brings in the quincunx to Saturn, then possible interpretations, would include the general populations worrying about accidents with the Navy, and increase in disease and a decline in the health of the country and an increase in unemployment. This would likely be a return to the coronavirus lockdowns of earlier in the year or how much the populations worries that it could happen again and destroy what is left of the economy.
Comets are always malefic in astrology. There are very few possible good interpretation for them. And given the current memes online, where people don’t are suggesting far out, but possible horrible events, we probably should that this comet as a serious warning that things are about to get very bad soon. It is better to be prepared now, then surprised later.
In my view, an astrologer’s job is give enough warning that people can avert disaster, or at least prepare for it ahead of time. This comet is showing that there are fated events ahead for this country. The best we can do is plan ahead so we can stay clear of the results. We should take this a serious omen for disaster.

Well at least we can enjoy the sight of the comet in the night sky for the next few days, before everything here gets bad. It is nice to enjoy what you can when you can do so.