Special Report – Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’Apai Volcano Erupts! – Global Cooling Event Initiated!?

A few days ago on January 15, 2022 around 5:14 PM, TOT, the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’Apai Volcano erupted in spectacular fashion. Visible on satellite, the eruption was was known very quickly to humanity around the global. It quickly spread in the media given how massive the explosion was. This is a major global event!
For those in Tonga, this is the worst national emergency in their history. The eruption produced an ocean wide tsunami which devastated the island nation, and while the tsunami early warning system save many lives there, the situation is still grim. Ash from the eruption has poisoned the water and food supply there. International aid is needed to quickly to prevent a worst disaster of starvation. The eruption also severed the main internet cable to the island nation so communication is bad and it is unknown at this time the true situation.
In this situation lets look at the event astrologically for clues on how it will play out. Thanks to remote sensors, we have a very precise time for the main eruption. 5:14:45 PM local time. The location of the volcano is known too, which gives a super accurate chart for the event. Looking at the chart below on can see this likely the case. The Moon is is exactly partial the ascendant of the chart to nearly the minute!

The Moon can often act triggers for events since it is the fastest moving planet in astrology. Rising on the ascendant like this is nearly prefect trigger point. And it is opposite Mars by a degree too. Mars would be considered the ancient ruler of volcanoes as it is associated with fire and explosions. The Roman god of volcanoes, Vulcan, was also associated with this planet, even through his brother is Mars, whose name the planet bares.
Add to the Moon-Mars opposition, a mutual square to Neptune, and boom! Underwater explosion! Which this volcano exhibited since most of it is submerged underwater. This chart practically reads as massive underwater explosion using only those three planets with two of them on the angles.

However, that is only part of the story here. While the ancient rulership of volcanoes is Mars, according the Rulership Book, by Rex E. Bills the modern rulers are Uranus and Pluto. Both planets play apart in this chart too. Just 15 hours earlier in the day, Mercury the chart ruler, stationed retrograde partile trine to Uranus which would station direct in about 3 days.
Both planets were essentially at a standstill here in this chart. Did this unusual event produce the worst Mercury Retrograde ever for the the 100,000 people of the nation of Tonga because of this configuration? Not only was the underwater internet cable destroyed in the eruption, but the tsunami damaged both the sea port and the the airport on the island. Volcanic ash would prevent air travel there anyway. It is likely it will be weeks until the true situation and actual aid starts to come into the islands.
And in Pluto’s case, it is conjunct the Sun on the 8th House cups of the chart. That is kind of auspicious. In fact I would have to say that while the death toll in in Tonga is low right now at 3 people confirmed dead, it shouldn’t surprise any one if more people are confirmed later to have died not only as a result of the tsunami, but also the lack of food and water available. The death toll is likely way high then what has been reported so.
But could this event have any larger effect on the global? The answer is yes, well maybe a yes. This is the largest volcanic eruption since Mt. Pinatubo in the Philippines erupted in 1991. That event cooled the the global temperature by up 0.5o C (1o F). While not much it did lower crop yields slightly and cause colder weather everywhere.
Preliminary data from remote sensors indicate this eruption, while nearly the same volume of material, may not have put enough SO2 in the atmosphere to significantly cool the to the degree Mt. Pinatubo did. However, that assumes that this is only eruption this year from the volcano. It still may have eruptive potential, we just don’t know because there are no sensors close enough to the volcano to tell what it is doing.

Or another volcano elsewhere in the world will erupt. This second scenario is somewhat common based on the geologic record. It most recently happened before as an unknown eruption in 1808 prior to Mt. Tambora erupting in the 1815, helped make 1816 the year without summer. Could this happen again?
Looking back at the chart for the weather indicators one has to focus on Saturn. Because Saturn indicates cold and gloomy weather such as that caused by volcanic cooling. Here the chart ruler, Mercury is conjunct Saturn in the 8th House. This would indicate there will be a global cooling event started by this eruption. Perhaps one that is initially hidden from the data since the 8th House is about secrecy?
Hopefully this prediction is incorrect though. As a major global cooling event would devastate food supplies and likely cause famine and war.