Suez Crisis of 2021 – Blockage in the Global Economy

So now that the great pandemic of 2020 is winding down (hopefully), the global economy should be in recovery mode. Well, unfortunately no. Auto manufacturers have faced a shortage of semi-conductor chips causing plants to shut down for weeks at a time for months. The Texas deep freeze in February is about to cause a global plastic shortage as plastic plants in the region have been shut down for weeks to repair the damage caused by freezing pipes.
And now the Suez Canal is block by huge container ship. This doesn’t sound that bad until one realizes that it just crippled at 13% of global trade on the oceans for weeks if not months. Given the current traffic jam in the area, officials think it will take at least 10 days maybe more to get the canal’s operations back to normal. That is assuming of course they get the ship unstuck soon.
It has already been stuck for a few days. The accident occurred on March 23, 2021 at approximately 7:42 AM local time. The accident happened close enough to Suez Egypt to use that location for the chart. And looking at the chart it is obvious a shipping accident happened.

Uranus is an the Ascendant which can indicated accidents. Furthermore, Pluto is on the Midheaven and Pluto is the modern ruler of shipwrecks. But what seals the deal here, is the Moon in Cancer opposes Pluto in the 3rd House. The Moon represents ships according to both medieval and modern rulerships schemes, and for Suez Egypt, this location is local transportation issue.

How bad can this be though? Salvage engineers have partially re-floated the ship today and think it can be unstuck by Wednesday. This is optimistic scenario. A middle case scenario involves them offloading the containers on the ship there to lighten the load before re-floating, which could take weeks.

The worst case scenario is the accident has already damaged the ship enough that any re-float attempt could cause it to break and sink again before it towed out of the canal. If this is the case, the entire ship would have to be unloaded and the disassembled in place. This could take up to a year. Is this the meaning of the Jupiter and Saturn in the 10th House of the chart, long term changes in international shipping?

Experts don’t even know how bad this will be yet. Which commodities or customer goods will be affected most is also unknown. Obviously oil and natural gas will be effected since a significant percent of those commodities transit the Suez Canal. European manufactures will be more heavily effected too. What else could be effected? Toilet Paper. Seriously! And at this point that shouldn’t surprise anyone.