The Astrology of Comets Part 3: Basic Natal & Transit Interpretation

The Astrology of Comets Part 1 – Divine Fire From Sky
The Astrology of Comets Part 2: Placing the Comet in the Chart
Developing the Interpretation
In Part 1, I demonstrated that comets are likely pure fire in the elemental correspondence. In Part 2, I searched though what information is available to describe when and where to a place a comet in the chart. Towards the end of Part 2, I also talked about the various theories on how to determine the planetary correspondence to further develop the meaning of the comet in the chart.
So here in Part 3 I will tie this all together to show how comets can be interpreted in the chart with a few examples by sign and house. Despite never having done something like this on this blog, I think this is something important that should be done, because I have yet to find anything similar in my research.
Basically, I will try to give a more fiery, initiatory, or right of passage type interpretation for each planetary correspondence, sign, and house for comets. These are meant to be examples only and by no means exhaustive as the only possible interpretations. I am not intending this to be a cookbook, but one could use some of these examples if they see fit and it corresponds to what they are looking at in the chart.
Interpretation in Natal Charts
There is very little information on how to use comets in the Natal Chart or by transit. There is some evidence that comets were incorporated into the birth charts starting in the Renaissance Time period [1]. Since before that time, comets were thought of meteorological phenomenon and other diviner more commonly interpreted them.
What infromation I did find is in The Little Book of Comets and Astrology by Kim Farnell, which states “According to Jerome Carden, in a natal chart, a comet can be interpreted similarly to an eclipse.” That is not much to go on. The book also lists some special considerations like if a comet is on the native’s ascendant, they either die very young or go on to live prominent lives. A prominent life is much more likely with a comet on the Midheaven [2].
Since there is not much to go on, I decided to use the planetary correspondence as the action or effect of the comet, while the signs add in descriptions from the native and the house describes the area of life being effected with my examples.
Some general conditions to apply to all these examples listed below. In a Natal Charts the prominence brought on by a comet will last a lifetime. This doesn’t mean the cometary energy is activated all the time, but it does mean throughout the life the comet’s point in the sky will have considerable influence from time to time. Essentially, like and eclipse any major transit to by conjunction, opposition, or square should activate.
By transit this may be a very temporary condition lasting only a few weeks or months until the comet is no longer visible by the naked eye. While I expect the transiting comet to aspect and activate planets in the chart, one could use the initial point at which a comet appears visible to the naked eye like an eclipse point. In which case, transiting planets to this point by conjunction, opposition, or square should activate it for a short period afterwards.

Start with the Planetary Correspondence
Now that you found the planet with the closest energy signature to the comet, one can begin to interpret the comet in the chart. Below is list of starting interpretations I developed based on the current planets I use. Ceres is included even thought I didn’t list a color for it that is because Ceres is not included in the The Rulership Book. Colors will probably be associated with it in the future. So, like the outer planets in the past, I expect this planet to have greater importance in the future and therefore it is included.
I am dividing up the meaning if each planetary correspondence into two sections. The Conscious Application Section which has the most positive meanings and the Unconscious Affect Section which generally have negative meanings. I title these sections as such because when one is unconscious of a planet’s influence, especially an outer planet or in this case a comet, the more likely it will negatively affect the native. Consciously working with the energy present will gravitate more towards the a positive meaning as the native is more able to control the outcome. While this not always possible I encourage clients I work with consciously work the planets that are activated.
Since this is an action or effect of the comet itself the meanings here are heavy skewed towards initiation or new beginnings in the Conscious Application Section. In the Unconscious Affect Section these meaning go towards undesired outcomes where clients can get metaphorically burn by fire.
Conscious Application Section
Sun – Renew purpose in yourself as you or you called to a higher purpose in life!
Moon – Renew your emotional life or head the call of your ancestors to carry one your family traditions!
Mercury – The call to write, communicate, or trade for your own purpose!
Venus – The call for a new love in life or an art project to express yourself!
Mars – The call to start a new activity or project!
Ceres – A breakthrough in dealing with grief or regaining a lost love or item!
Jupiter – The call to God, a spiritual life, or to seek higher knowledge!
Saturn – The call to set boundaries or restriction in life or the call to discipline!
Uranus – The call to develop your intuition or become unusually creative!
Neptune – The call to received direct divine knowledge or begin a meditative practice!
Pluto – The call to transform yourself or your life!
Unconscious Affect Section
Sun – Self destruction of yourself or life without purpose!
Moon – Destructive emotions control your life or turning you back on your family.
Mercury – The destruction of your writings, or commercial enterprises!
Venus – The hating something in life or destroying art!
Mars – Being forced to fight or forcing to begin a project without your heart into it!
Ceres – Destructive grief that downs out everything or losing everything you love!
Jupiter – Losing your faith, religion, or personal philosophy!
Saturn – Being restriction in life, disciplined by others!
Uranus – Disruption, chaos, or unusual events that your force your reaction!
Neptune – Drowning yourself in drugs, or altered states of consciousness!
Pluto – Forced transition of yourself or your life!

Interpretation by Sign in Natal Charts
For the sign meanings, I kept them the descriptions to those are commonly used to describe a client or a part of their personality. Whichever sign the comet appears in will indicate some prominence the client displays in life or with their personality.
Aries – In the natal chart this indicates prominence in sports and physical activity or an exceptional leader, especially with military. By transit this indicates The start or ending of major new activity or project.
Taurus – In the natal chart this indicates prominence with art or beauty, reliability, or great endurance. By transit this indicates a change in your endurance, determination, or thoroughness in practical matters.
Gemini – In the natal chart this indicates prominence with communicating, debating, or writing. By transit this indicates the start or ending of a major new writing or publishing project.
Cancer – In the natal chart this can indicated a prominence in sensitiveness, nurturing or maternal ability. By transit this indicates a change in emotional sensitivity, or your nurturing ability.
Leo – In the natal chart this indicates a prominent entertainer, or political leader. By transit this indicates a major change in what entertains you or your joy in life.
Virgo – In the natal chart this indicates prominence in service to others, piratical matters, or organizational ability. By transit this indicates a major in your service to others, or in the way you organize your life.
Libra – In the natal chart this indicates a prominence for fairness, balance, and justice. By transit this indicates a major change in your sense of justice or what is considered fair.
Scorpio – In the natal chart this indicates a prominence for secrets, self transformation, and obsession. By transit this indicates and a major transformative or regenerative change in your life.
Sagittarius – In the natal chart this indicates a prominence for adventure, idealism, or philosophy. By transit this indicates a change in your personal philosophy or the start of a new adventure.
Capricorn – In the natal chart this indicates a prominence position of authority, or honor. By transit this indicates and major change in your your position, authority, or honor.
Aquarius – In the natal chart it indicates a prominence in humanitarianism, science, or cooperation. By the transit this indicates a major change in with cooperation, humanitarianism, or reformation.
Pisces – In the natal chart this indicates a prominence with mysticism, intuition, or imagination. By transit this indicates a major change in your spiritual life or with your intuition.

Interpretation by House in Natal Charts
For the house meanings, I kept them to the specific areas of life that are commonly discuss with a client. Whichever house the comet appears in will indicate some prominence in that area of life.
1st House – In the natal chart this indicates a prominence person in general, as how they are seen by others. By transit this indicates a major change in yourself and and your appearance.
2nd House – In the natal chart this indicates some type of prominent financial resources or possessions. By transit this is major change in your wealth for better or worse.
3rd House – In the natal chart this indicates prominent siblings or neighbors. By transit this indicates major change with your siblings or neighbors.
4th House – In the natal chart this indicates having a prominent family or having prominent land. By transit this can indicated a major shift in the family structure or in the land your own.
5th House – In the natal chart this indicates having prominent children or creativity. By transit this indicates a major shift in creativity or a major change in children.
6th House – In the natal chart this indicates a prominent health concerns in life or a commitment to service. By transit this indicated and major shift in your health or a major change in how you serve others.
7th House – In the natal chart this indicates having prominent relationships either love affairs or business partnerships in life. By transit this indicates the start or ending of major new relationship.
8th House – In the natal chart this indicates a prominence in using or obtaining other’s resources or wealth. By transit this indicates a major change for better or worse with another’s wealth or resources.
9th House – In the natal chart this indicates a prominence in your religion, your college or in law. By transit this indicates a major change in your religion, college, or legal issues.
10th House – In the Natal chart this indicates prominence is in your chosen career or with your pubic status. By transit this indicates a major change for better or worse in your career.
11th House – In the natal chart this indicates prominence in your social groups or with your friends. By transits this indicates a major change in your social groups or friends.
12th House – In the natal chart this indicates this indicates prominent in your secrets or being known for self sacrifice. By transit this indicates a major self sacrifice or secret event.

Bringing Everything Together
Since Comet NEOWISE F3 C/2020 is the most recent comet, let’s use it as an example again. Its planetary energy is the Sun & Mars most likely based on the color scheme method and the origin method. It first appeared in Gemini. At the highest conscious application interpretation this comet generally means a native will either get a calling to a higher purpose in life through writing or communication if the Sun meaning is more applicable. Or if the Mars meaning is more applicable this is the call to initiate a new project using writing or communication.
Let’s say the comet falls in a client’s 7th House. Then this comet’s meaning includes a new call for a higher purpose in life or new writing project will primarily effect their partnerships in life. A different client with this comet falling the 11th House will see this same effect play out in their groups and social circles, possibly changing their social circle because of it.
So this is how a comet should be interpreted in a clients chart. Most of the time it is not omen of doom or a time of fear or panic. But comets can provide the extra “fire” inside a client to get things moving.
The Astrology of Comets Part 4: Mundane Interpenetration & Electional/Horary Considerations
[1] Flanery, Jonathan; “Unexpected Visotrs: The Theory of the Influence of Comets”;; Accessed 8/4/2020
[2] Farnell, Kim; The Little Book of Comets and Astrology; Self Published; 2020; ISBN 9798628223536