The Astrology of Comets Part 4: Mundane Interpenetration & Electional/Horary Considerations

The Astrology of Comets Part 1 – Divine Fire From Sky
The Astrology of Comets Part 2: Placing the Comet in the Chart
The Astrology of Comets Part 3: Basic Natal & Transit Interpretation
This blog is primarily a mundane astrology blog so it is appropriate to finish this series with how comets effect the mundane world. Additionally, I want to describe some considerations for astrologers who work with electional charts and horary charts. While I don’t work with those charts that often, it is possible for a comet to effect them as well.
Interpretation in Mundane Charts
Interpretation for comets mundane charts has a much more well established history. I found more information on that topic then anything else in my research on comets. This shouldn’t be surprising given that the auspice divination was usually done for mundane proposes with comets. I think some of concepts and meanings translated a little easier into mundane astrology because of this.
Both Mundane Astrology, and The Fixed Stars & Constellations in Astrology discuss comet interpretations in some detail [1, 2]. All three authors of Mundane Astrology, H.S Green, Raphael, and C.E.O. Carter, briefly mentions comets, but they never give an interpretation beyond a simple statement like a comet appeared and then this war happened or this King died, etc.
Robson in The Fixed Stars & Constellations in Astrology actually gives interpretation by sign, although these interpretations are limited in its use because most of the signs have the same meanings. For example war is a possibility in every sign [2]. Especially if the comet appears on the eastern horizon initially.
I suppose any Mars linked comet would indicated war in a mundane chart no matter what sign it is in. But one can clearly tell that Robson is using some of the older auspice interpretations in creating these. Since this was based on a completely different system then astrology itself, I am very hesitant to use them.
So, I am going to do the same thing I did for the natal charts, break down the comet meanings by sign and house with some examples. The planetary correspondences should be similar to the ones I presented in Part 3, except I would tend to use the Unconscious Affect Section more than the Conscious Application Section. This is because when working with a population as a whole things tend more towards the unconscious anyways. Therefore negative interpretations are more likely on the mundane level than not. Again, please do not consider this to be cookbook to use.

Interpretation by Sign in Mundane Charts
Aries – The initiation of a major new national project, changes in the military, or the start of a war.
Taurus – A major change in banking, agricultural commodities, or conservation of nature
Gemini – A major change in the way people communicate with one another, or a major new literary trend.
Cancer – A many change in how the nurturing and domestic relations of the people.
Leo – A major change in the way people entertain themselves, or a change of leadership.
Virgo – A major change in the way a country see service to the country.
Libra – A major change in fashion or art. A major change in the nature of person to person relationships
Scorpio – A major transformation or regeneration of the country, secrets may be revealed.
Sagittarius – major change in the country’s religion, philosophy, or law
Capricorn – A major change in the structure of authority, organization, or the economy.
Aquarius – A major change in the social order and reorganization of different groups in the country.
Pisces – A major change in the institutional structures or collective unconscious of the nation.
Interpretation by House in Mundane Charts
1st House – A major change to the people of the country itself, or its prosperity
2nd House – A major shift in the financial state of the country, or a change in the people’s values
3rd House – A disruptions to the national transportation or communication system, local internet is included here.
4th House – Disruptions to the land, either agricultural or mineral production is effected. The opposition party to the President undergoes a major change.
5th House – Sporting events and theaters are disrupted, the national birthrate is effected, and schooling can be delayed.
6th House – Disruptions to the military of the country, public health and public unions.
7th House – Foreign relations are disrupted, the possibility of war
8th House – Disruptions to the death rate, financial obligations to foreign countries, or to the Deep State
9th House – Disruptions to foreign trade, the judiciary, or to the religious leaders (in theocracy)
10th House – Disruptions to the executive, king, or ruler of the of the country, along with their political party.
11th House – Disruptions to the legislature, or the ruling party of it. Local or regional governments are disrupted too.
12th House – Disruptions to the prison, hospital, or your countries secret enemies are revealed.

Electional Chart Considerations
For those that don’t know, an Electional Chart is one created by an astrologer that selects a certain date and time that the astrologer or client wishes to use to influence an event. The theory is if an birth chart contains influences of the planets at the time of birth then we can use look into the future and select the planetary influence we want for certain event to make it more successful.
Common uses for electional charts are picking a date for wedding to ensure a successful marriage or picking a date for a surgery to ensure it is successful and you don’t die. In the past, surgery was a more popular topic for elections because it was riskier. With modern technology surgery is very safe so even if the election is bad it will have an overall good outcome. I can’t say the same about marriages. In fact I think marriage is more risky than surgery now with the high divorce rate!
First, if there is comet hold off on creating an Electional Chart if you can. Comets are nearly pure Fire, which makes selecting a good time like a case of playing with fire so to speak. With the extra fire in the chart it is likely to not perform as intended depending on the placement of the comet and the topic that is being elected.
Since comets were mentioned to function eclipses in Natal Charts [3], they likely perform similarly in all chart types. Most electional astrologers rarely make elections on eclipses. Sometimes there is a good reason too, but most often there is not.
So what if you have to make an election anyways? The best thing to do is to place the comet in a cadent house or in an house that doesn’t affect the topic of election or not in aspect the ruler of the house that affects the topic of the election. Following these rules should eliminate most of the problems involved with comets.
What if you elected a chart months in advanced for client, such as a wedding chart and then a new comet appears? Well, then there is nothing you can do in that case. Only address the issue if the client returns and asks how the comet affects the event you elected for. If possible you may be able to elect a different time for the event, but this is not likely.

Horary Chart Considerations
For Horary charts, the rules are a bit different for casting. The chart is cast when the astrologer understands the question the client is asking. The chart is then read to answer the client’s question if possible. There are some cases when the chart will not give a good answer. The answer to the question is usually found by looking at ruler(s) of the House(s) of the question’s topic and the aspects to them. Not every planet or house is involved in the interpretation.
Because of this horary astrology can be very simple and sometimes very quick to interpret. This also makes the use of comets in them much easier. Unless the comet aspects the planets or Houses of the question involved in the answer, then it is not relevant to the question and it can be ignored. This is more likely to happened then not.
If the comet does aspect the one or more of the planets or Houses involved in the question or answer then interpenetrate the comet similar to a fixed star based on which type of planetary energy it has associated in Part 3. It may be possible to use sign interpretations but someone would need to experiment on that one. Do not use the House interpretations I gave previously as horary uses the House system much differently than other forms of astrology.

This is the end of the series on the Comets in Astrology. I kind of wish there were more resources available to study this as I think using comets in charts can be very useful. And despite the bad reputation of comets in the past, I do think they can be very positive influences if worked with properly. All that is need to to understand what exactly a comet is at the metaphysical level and then apply it to the chart as you would for any planet.
[1] Green, H.S.; Raphael; Carter, C.E.O; Mundane Astrology: The Astrology of Nations and States; Astrology Classics Publishing; 2004; ISBN 1-933303-11-5
[2] Robson, Vivian; The Fixed Stars & Constellations in Astrology; Astrology Classics Publishing; 2005; ISBN 1-933303-13-1
[3] Farnell, Kim; The Little Book of Comets and Astrology; Self Published; 2020; ISBN 9798628223536