The July 2, 2019 Eclipse – The Sudden Shift in Your Relationships!
Eclipse season is here! The first eclipse of the season will occur on July 2, 2019 at 3:16 PM. It will be a total eclipse. Unfortunately, it will not be visible from the US. Only people in the South America will be able to view this eclipse. Or anyone in the middle of the South Pacific Ocean. So my friends in Brazil will be able to see a partial eclipse before the sun sets. Please be safe and wear eclipse glasses if you plan on viewing it.
Looking at the astrology of this eclipse in the US, the eclipse occurs in the 9th house. This house relates to higher learning, legal matters, religion, or foreign travel. The Eclipse is opposing Saturn in the 3rd house which would resent trouble with establish rules with siblings or neighbors. The Eclipse is also sextile Uranus in the 7th house which would be an unexpected or sudden development in in a new relationship. A more personal interpretation would expected one to see unexpected develops in your personal lives and relationships on a 9th house matter with having trouble with a 3rd house matter.
For a mundane interpretation, this chart would indicate the focus of the US will likely occur to one of three areas foreign relationships, legal matters, or the university system. The foreign relationships is most likely but I want to brief discuss the other two first.
I would expect there could be further developments on whether the census can add a citizenship questions. There was recent Supreme Court case decided last week that while striking the question from the census, would allow it to reinstated if the Commerce Department gave the courts a better explanation on why they want to ask it. Since this is a legal question involving foreigners, established rules and possible unexpected developments it may be something to watch.
I only mention the university system because of the talk in the Democratic Primary for President on the option of free, or mostly college tuition. Because of this discussion it may be possible that Congress changes the law on college loans or tuition unexpectedly. While I see this as possibility, personally I think it is unlikely given the political climate.
The most likely outcome of this Eclipse I think would occur in the US foreign relations. Before the Eclipse started two headlines jumped out at me. Trump visits North Korea and the European Union creating an alternative to SWIFT. Both of these events could quickly change US foreign relations. I think potential peace with North Korea would on the more beneficial outcomes for this Eclipse if the talks succeed.
The EU creating an SWIFT alternative is would be a malefic outcome for the US. This is because once a viable SWIFT alternative is created it begins the the decline of the US dollar as a world reserve currency. Also The US cannot be happy that our EU allies are basically betraying us and getting nothing of value in return. In fact, Iran recently announced they are openly violating the treaty. In all likelihood, a major break between the US and EU seems imminent. It may just be a matter of timing now. More tariffs for the EU? That is a Yes!
The Uranus on the Descendant, sextile the eclipse, and is square Mercury and Mars. This would indicate that suddenly and unexpected changes in partnerships will be punctuated by arguments and miscommunications. Mercury is in its shadow and will turn retrograde on July 7, 2019. I expected this part of the aspect to be played mainly between the US, our EU frenemies, and Iran.