The US Pluto’s Return – Influence of the Neptune Opposition Part 2

Last time I went over what happened during the first Neptune Opposition of the US in 1857-1859. In additional to the political and social issues of the day, there were big changes in communication technology and the major financial events too. So now is the time to look ahead to the Second Neptune Opposition which occurs in 2021…

Oh! It has already started has it!? Nowhere have I seen any mundane astrologer talk about this major outer planet transit at all. Well, since we are already in the middle of the transit there should be some comparisons to the first opposition.
Starting in communication technology there is an obvious comparison. Since the US Neptune Opposition occurs in the US Natal Chart 3rd House it figures that some type of new communication technology is being developed. Instead of laying the cables in an ocean of water, this time we are launching satellites into the great void ocean of space. This is the develop of the Starlink network which utilizing 1,000s of small satellites to bring high speed internet access to people no matter their location. Everywhere on the planet apparently.

The only concern I have about this, is just like the first trans-Atlantic cable breaking and becoming inoperable shortly after being built, it is possible this concept of space internet doesn’t initial work or breaks in some way. However, that doesn’t mean we won’t get it to work eventually, just like we did with underwater telegraph cables.
Financially, we haven’t had an major market crashes like the Panic of 1857 yet. There is always the possibility of one, but last year’s coronavirus market crash may have reset the system. But there are tons of trade disruptions going through the markets from that. The latest being lumber as there is shortage of lumber for new home construction. Maybe, this is prelude to a bigger market crash that is coming up?
In the realm of silver there is action going on. What Neptune brings in, it can take away too. During the first opposition, the Comstock Lode was discovered ushering in an age of cheap silver. And after one Neptune cycle that age is coming to an end.

As a planet we have mined most of the easily available silver deposits on the surface. The age of cheap silver is coming to an end and most are very delusional about what this will bring. This is because back when the Comstock Lode was discovered the only uses for silver was monetary, jewelry, silverware, and photography. Nowadays our entire tech tree is littered with industrial uses for silver. It is literally in every piece of our technology, and most of the time it can’t be replaced with another metal.

The shock to most people at the end of the cheap silver era will be severe.

Politically and socially there are scary parallels to the time frame of the first Neptune Opposition. Socially, the big mass movement is ‘Social Justice’ instead of abolition of slavery. Social Justice is a movement to correct real and perceived injustices that minorities face in the US. A lot of it is centered around the Black Lives Matter Movement, but this movement encompasses all minorities.
And just like abolition there are several similarities not only as it focuses on a racial minorities in the US cultural. First among many of its supporters, Social Justice has taken an almost religious tone to the movement. This despite the fact that most of the supports probably are not part of any organized religion at all.

Aside the from the religious overtones, this movement is rapidly becoming the dominate force in US politics just like abolition did before. And while Social Justice was around as an academic concept since at least the 1960s, it has only gained in popularity since Neptune ingressed into Pisces in 2011. As readily shown in Google Trends.

So I would expect the Social Justice to continue to dominate US politics under the Neptune ingresses into Aries in 2025 or so.

Politically, there are also good parallels to at least some of the events during the first Neptune opposition. Namely the Dred Scott Decision and the Lincoln Douglas Debates. The parallel is the Donald Trump failed 2020 reelection campaign and the subsequent legal battle to overturn election results in several states.
Looking at the legal battle first, the legal climax to the battle was a decision by the Supreme Court to not take up the Texas Lawsuit. Conservatives universally thought that by not taking up the case, the Supreme Court made one of the worst decision ever. Basically they decided that voting fraud cases in Federal elections were beyond the scope of the courts to clarify.

When thinking about this, it becomes a major issue going forward. What is there to stop one state controlled by a single party from rigging Federal elections in favor of candidate? There is none, because you can’t challenge that in court now that the Supreme Court has set precedent. There is now no peaceful way to challenge election fraud case in the US at the Federal level.

A similar thing happened with slavery in the run up to the US Civil War. What was the real reason for the cause of the of it? Most will say slavery, while dissident historians would say States Rights. Technically both are true are the same time, but the single biggest reason for the US Civil War was that the question of slavery in the US could never be solved through peaceful constitutional means.
Congress had zero power to enact laws against it according to the US Constitution. One could only amend it give Congress the ability to. And this was not possible according the amendment process outlined in the Constitution. Therefore only political violence could solve this issue.
The same could become true with the election fraud issue because that is not going away. Many Republicans still feel Donald Trump was cheated out of the Presidency. Just because because Twitter and Facebook has banned the discussion it doesn’t make the issue go away. It just goes to other places online.
Which means debates on Social Media is rapidly becoming the modern version of the Lincoln-Douglas debate. The online discussion about whether the US embraces Social Justice and a socialism economic system or whether it returns to Constitutional governance. The real meaning in the upcoming US Pluto Return lies in which direct the US takes on this issue!

Luckily so far, we haven’t had any extreme violence like Bleeding Kansas or Raid on Harper’s Ferry yet. Maybe we can still avoid these outcomes during our second Neptune Opposition. Maybe not.

The interesting thing is that at least for the main years of the US Pluto Return, we will likely have very little risk of civil war. But then in 2024 and 2025 when Neptune reaches the 29 degrees of Pisces, there is a chance for emotions to boil over like they in the past and that time-frame is the one most likely for civil unrest and war to occur in the US. The time frame when Pluto is separating from the it’s return.