Transformation of America Series 1 – Pelosi’s War Against Trump

The impeachment saga gripping the nation! Public hearings, secret testimony, a whistleblower who cannot be named! (His name is Eric Ciaramella, I don’t care if Google knows I know!) All very exciting, right? According to the mainstream media the answer is a loud YES! But, I have yet to hear many people talking about this topic on the street so probably not. However, this is a blog about mundane events so I should provide some commentary on it.
I’ll start off saying this. I was a little late in covering this event. I had some personal stuff to take care of. This began back on September 24, 2019 at 5 PM, in Washington D.C. That was the start time of Pelosi’s press conference announcing the Democrats were officially presuing impeachment against Trump. I suspect the real actually decision occurred earlier. Perhaps way earlier such as when Mueller announced his findings and the Deep State’s declaration of war as I detailed in this earlier post.
I will use the same declaration of war analysis here for Pelosi’s declaration to determine if the Democrats have a good chance of this. A quick glance at the chart shows that yes they do. I am taking the 1st House to mean the Democrats and the 7th House to be Trump’s position. The 1st house is ruled by Saturn, which is in its domincile, Capricorn and therefore has the most essential dignity. Meanwhile the ruler of the 7th House is the Sun in Libra which is its fall and in debility.

Looking at accidental dignity, Pelosi and the Democrats actually lose out here. Saturn is in a degree conjunction with the South Node. This is a major accidental debility, equivalent to that of a planet’s fall. While Saturn is in domicile, this means it now only has a slight edge in the total dignity compared to the Sun.
Looking over the rules for going to war in Lee Lehman’s book “The Magic of Electional Astrology” based on the Guido Bonatti’s Treatise 7 on Elections, I could really find any that apply to this chart except:
- Do put the Ruler of the 1st in higher in the chart than the Ruler of the 7th.
- Do put dignified Mars in the 1st, preferably with a benefic.
- If you favor the side beginning the hostilities, the fortify the 1st and 2nd house, and debilitate the 7th and 8th house.
From the chart it clear that Saturn is higher in the sky than the Sun, so the Pelosi is favored over Trump in this aspect. However, if there is a critical mistake here it is with the second point. Mars is dignified, but it is not in the 1st House, but the 7th House! This breaks the second listed rule, and is actually good for Trump. It means that he will fight harder than the Democrats against him. This also leads to the last point.
Fortify the 2nd House and debilitate the 8th House. This is all about have more resources to fight with than your enemy does. In this case 2nd House is fortified by Mars in term, the 8th House is also fortified by Venus in domicile. Trump has more resources to fight with and he actually controls most of Pelosi’s resources because the ruler of the 2nd House is in the 7th House! In layman’s terms this means that only a few administration officials will testify against him and the overall effort may fail.
Given all of this I do think Trump will be impeached by Pelosi and Democrats. The problem is that the effort is shaky grounds and if this goes to the Senate, they will not convict. They may just throw the case as it is mostly hearsay, which is inadmissible in 99% of court cases. In the end the effort will likely fail to get Trump.
This will not be the end of the effort to get rid of Trump though. There is an election coming up, but I don’t think his enemies will wait for that. They started an impeachment on shaky grounds and are likely panicking. Th Globalist fraction of the Deep State need to remove Trump from office as soon as possible.

When impeachment fails what is the next step? Find out in Part 2…