Transformation of America Series 2 – The Deep State’s Coup Attempt

So what happens when the impeachment effort fails? Well, by then the Deep State will have no choice but to try to arrest Trump and those loyal to him for whatever crime they can. While conversely, this means that Trump will have to use the forces loyal to him to arrest those trying to get rid of him. No matter what side you are on this will be a mess.
But I am getting ahead of myself here. This is an astrology blog. Is there any astrological aspects that would support this? I think there is. Specifically the upcoming Solar Eclipse on December 26, 2019.
I was first alerted that this Eclipse might be important last year whiling attending a workshop with Joni Patry, a Vedic astrologer from Texas. She realized that this eclipse will occur the same set of Nakshatras as the eclipse that happened right before the September 11, 2001 WTC Attacks. These Nakshatras are associated with tragedy and it and eclipses that occur in them foretell major tragedies in America history.
So I began to investigate this myself using Western Astrology. Typically if a major event will happen, it would show up in whichever astrological system you use. Astrology works as an algorithm like that.
In Western Astrology, eclipses are group in what are called a Saros Series that operates on a nearly 18 year cycle. Technically, the Saros cycle is defined as 223 synodic months which is approximately 18 years, 11 days and 8 hours. 69 to 87 of the these cycles make up a Saros Series or family of eclipses that occur every 18 years and move approximately 10 degree forward through the Zodiac. The complete series starts at one pole of and moves to the other if viewed from space of the entire 1226 to 1550 years that a series last.

By Tim LaDuca; Attribution: Eclipse Predictions by Fred Espenak, NASA’s GSFC –
The best reference for an astrologer to learn about this is Predictive Astrology: The Eagle and the Lark by Bernadette Brady. In this book she list each active Saros series and renames them from the official astronomical designations. For instances the Eclipse that occurred before the September 11, 2001 WTC Attacks is called Saros 127 according to NASA, but Brady names it 3 North.
The reason why astrologers like Brady’s book as a reference is the fact that takes the chart of the first eclipse in the Saros series and interpretates the major aspect in it to give meaning to the entire Saros series of eclipses. For the 3 North family the interpretation is:
This is an over-excessive eclipse family. Its main theme being either news involving young people or news that transforms the a situation. This information can cause worry or can cause the person to become obsessive. The individual may want to undertake large plans or activities which can be very positive as long as the individual doesn’t get carried away.
While this is gear towards a personal reading, one can easily see how this applies to the September 11, 2001 WTC Attacks. News that suddenly transforms a situation and causes worry and someone to be obsessive. Creates large scale plans that can be positive as long as they don’t get carried away. It sounds like a description of the US suddenly becoming worried because of the attack. The government, Deep State included, makes a large scale plan to invade not only the country that supported the attacks, but also 7 other countries they didn’t like. Then they start obsessively carrying out the plans.
Looking at the eclipse chart for the June 21, 2001 eclipse is also helpful in determining how this interpretation plays out. What will we worry and obsess about? What we will we get carried away with? The eclipse falls a 0 Cancer in the 12th House and makes no major aspects. It will be our secret enemies. How many Americans at the the time thought Islamic fanatics are our enemies? Statistically I would guess zero.

This sound like it is pretty accurate. But what about this upcoming eclipse? Well, it is not in the same Saros series. The 3 North eclipse return last July. The upcoming eclipse is called Saros 132 according to NASA and 3 South according to Brady. So does this means there won’t be another tragedy? Well, from looking at Brady’s interpretation of the first eclipse it sounds even less encouraging than the last one. Here is the description:
This family of eclipses brings with it the sudden ending of associations or of a relationship, possibly with a younger person. There is a large emotional component, as Pluto is involved, and a sense of traumatic transformation. This can be through news received or short journeys undertaken.
That doesn’t sound too positive. A sudden ending of an association driven by a large emotional component? A sense of traumatic transformation? How wold this play out? To get a clue lets look at the eclipse chart for Washington D.C. This eclipse occurs in Capricorn on the cusp of the 4th House. The eclipse aspects the Libra Ascendant to within a degree. The only major aspects is a conjunction Jupiter in the 4th House and a trine to Uranus in the 8th House, mainly because most of the planets are located in Capricorn. Yes this lunar month will be Capricorn focused!

Looking at this as a mundane chart the eclipse is opposite the 10th House, the President. Traditionally, if one turns the chart, the 7th House from the 10th House becomes the President’s enemies. So this eclipse will focus on the enemies of Trump. How will they react? The eclipse is conjunct Jupiter in the sign of it’s Fall, so excessively and most likely badly. The South Node is close too and it wouldn’t help.
Combine this with Brady’s Saros series description and one can easily see a situation that develops where Trump’s enemies in the Deep State receive news the impeachment effort failed, they react emotionally to it and badly. What some commentators call Trump Derangement Syndrome. They think they can remove him by any means necessary and decide to end the social contract, the current association, with the people of the US. They launch a public coup attempt, and try to arrest Trump and remove him from power.
I know this is a pretty bold prediction to make, but this is someone that I have also have a strong gut-reaction when I think about it. I have an intuition it might happen. Astrology only puts a time frame on when it might happen for me.. That time frame is bout 6 months from December 26, 2019 to June 21, 2019. That is a long time frame.
If something like does happen I am not sure how it turn out. Does Trump win or his enemies? I really can’t say for sure. Mainly because I don’t know which fractions in the Deep State are loyal to which side. However, this is all just the opening act for the real transformation of America. In 2022 the US will experience its first Pluto return. The next part will discuss what that will bring…