Transformation of America Series 3 – Pluto’s Return: Transform or Die!

Everyone’s favorite dwarf planet!
What is ultimately going to cause massive political unrest in the US is our first Pluto Return. This happens once every 247 years or so. Because the orbit of Pluto is so large, no astrologer really has a good interpretation on what this transit means. The longest transit an astrologer ever may see for a Pluto aspect is possible an opposition, and that is only because Pluto orbit is eccentric and it moves faster through some zodiac signs compared to the others.
I suppose one could go back in history on research different countries Pluto Returns to figure out a good meaning, but the birth chart of countries outside of the modern era are difficult to determine accurately. Also there would be a small sample size. If anything, I would guess a countries Pluto Return essentially means transform or die!
This is of course based on the transit and where it falls in the natal chart of the country. The US natal I use, is the John B. Early version Sibly chart. This chart was based on a chart created by Sibly who was an contemporary of the of the time period. He placed the time of the signing around 5 PM LMT. John B. Early was a 20th Century astrologer who discovered additional historical resources which placed the time around 5:10 PM LMT. See this astro-databank entry for more information.
An exact time for the US chart is known with any certainty. There are many different version with for the time with most of the times in the afternoon between the hours of 4 PM and 6 PM LMT. I will be using the 5:10 PM chart for this article.

One of the reason why I use this chart compared to other US natal charts is this chart is also a declaration of war chart. If the some of the Founding Fathers of the US were astrologers like it is suspected, they would follow the basic rules for warfare in event. Fortify the 1st House and debilitate the 7th House. Here an exalted Jupiter in Cancer rules the 1st House and a peregrine Mercury rules the 7th House. Also Jupiter the ruler of the 1st House is in the 7th House, which is another signifier that the outcome of the war will favor the US.
In this chart Pluto is in the 2nd House. This not only represents the US’s money and wealth, which we do have a lot of compared to other countries, but also our values. The values of the US were pretty clearly laid out in the US Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution. These values are of a limited government, capitalism, and an emphasis on individual liberties. Today however, many people in the US no longer hold these values.
The shift began during the first Pluto opposition in 1936. For those who don’t know their history, this is at the height of the FDR’s “New Deal”, the beginning of big government, socialism, and a emphasis on the collective rights in the US. Specifically, this is part of his Second New Deal, since most of the first part of New Deal was being struck down by the Supreme Court. The Second New Deal created many social programs that last to this day, like Social Security.
Since that time the size and scope of the Federal government has grown. Now, several Presidential candidates have ever proposed expanding the government to control all healthcare in the US along with a series of new environmental laws and regulations to greatly restrict the things people can. They want a complete revolution in this country, one which is completely opposed to the values this country was founded on. About the half the population thinks this is a good thing. The other half is completely horrified by what is happening.
Worst, increasing neither side can see a compromise with the other. For example, to half the country President Trump is evil and must be resisted at all cost. This type of thinking borders on sedition. For Trump’s supports they see an innocent man being persecuted by his own government. If un-elected bureaucrats can do this to the President, than nothing can prevent them from going after anyone else.
With their traditional values declared to be evil and no hope of recourse through legal means, they will eventually resist as well. So now the country is divided into 2 camps, each with different values and a vision for the US’s future. And both sides think compromise is not an option.
It doesn’t take a genius to see how this will likely end. The battle lines are drawn. Does American, go down the socialist big government route, which by the way has never worked in the past. Or does it turn back to its past and rediscover the values it had it the past and modifying them for the present age? But I think the bigger questions is not which route we go down, but whether it can be done peacefully or not.

The key date for the US is not 2020. 2022 is the year of the US’s Pluto Return. Pluto will pass over the return spot 3 times during this year starting on February 20, 2022. The chart for the first return places Pluto on the cusp of the 7th House. Traditionally, this means with a foreign power, but it also be about the relationships the people of the country have among themselves.

For examples many old mundane books talk about how certain transit to the mundane 7th House can mean an increase in marriages. So this can indicate some sort of change in relationship among the people inside of a nation. With Pluto on the 7th House cusp, this could literally mean a divorce among the people. It could mean a lot of actual divorces or a divorce politically. But this doesn’t tell us how bad the divorce will be.

But, if there was a revolution, civil war, or unrest in the US, what would that really look like? Probably like WWIII, this time with most of the fighting occurring on American soil. Don’t believe me!? Former military planners who post on anonymous internet messages boards all agree. Any civil unrest approaching the level of a civil war would result in a proxy war between NATO and Russia and China and whoever else wanted to mess with us. This again can be indicated by Pluto on the 7th house cusp. I major change in the international relationships with other countries.