Transformation of America Series 4 – Trump’s Most Dangerous Tweet

Read the other parts of the Series Here:
Transformation of America Series (Pluto Return)
Special Report:
Tonight is the 3rd night of nationwide riots in the the US. Events are starting to happen. In a few days the fist of the summer eclipses will occur. This is on top of the Mean Node ingress into 0 degrees Cancer. While the riots occurring are important as an event in of itself, to me the biggest event was Trump’s declaration of ANTIFA as a terrorist organization.

Why is this more important than riots? This last week has seen a great escalation in the Deep Sate war detailed so far in the Transformation of America Series. In fact, events probably happened much earlier in the week than any one anticipated. That is when Twitter started labeling Trump’s tweets. This was immediately responded by an executive order investigating social media companies use of Section 230 of the Internet Act along with Congressional Republicans introducing legislation to repeal that section for social media companies.

After all, Twitter was trying to sway the results of the election by only giving their platform to Democrats and liberals. Twitter has been censoring Republicans and Conservative view points on their platform since 2017. This is done through a variety of means, such as shadow banning, blocking content, and outright banning. Labeling Trump’s tweets was another way to do this. This action by Trump will insure the role of free speech on social media as an election issue as the legal action will not be ready to implement until after the election.

So what does this have to do the ANTIFA? Well, ANTIFA is group formed after Trump’s election to promote progressive policies, by violence. Basically, they oppose everything Trump does. They have never been banned on Twitter (until now unconfirmed reports they are banned for promoting violence as I am writing this) and is a prime example of the difference in the way Twitter reacts to liberal views versus conservative ones.

Ironically, they were named after a defunct communist group active in the early 1930s that battled with the Nazi party’s brownshirts. Several historians actually think that the violent action by this communist group actually helped the Nazi’s rise to power in the early 1930s. Germany was scared of communist violence because in 1919 after World War I, the communists started a mini civil war in Germany that lasted for a months with various uprising against the Wiemar Republic. Many Germans at the time were horrified of the communist did then and saw the Nazi’s as the safer choice.
In modern times, the fascism they oppose is Trump, somehow. I don’t think Trump is a fascist by historical standard, so it seems kind of stretch. However, this group has been increasingly violent. Trump warned them last year that he was considering doing this. In fact, ANTIFA was a group that actively promoted violence on Twitter and was given free reign to do so.

Normally, declaring such a group as ANTIFA a domestic terrorist organization wouldn’t be a problem, but in this case I think it will be. This is because ANTIFA is a group the globalist fraction of the Deep State formed specifically to counter Trump with violence if they need it. So several prominent people have support and given funding ANTIFA over the last 3 years.
This includes Minnesota’s Attorney General Kieth Ellison who made a tweet in support of the ANTIFA right before the riots began. If he is providing support and funding to ANTIFA, along with many other Democrat politicians, then will also be charged with domestic terrorism and subject to arrest. And the National Guard or US military, directly under Trump’s command would be doing the arresting!

If this happens it will created the biggest political crisis seen in the US since the Civil War. This is an astrology blog, so let’s look at the time of Trump’s Tweet to see his chance of winning this fight.

Using the standard for reading a war chart, Trump is the 1st House and ANTIFA is the 7th House. Mercury is the ruler of the 1st House in this chart has no essential dignity so that is not good. It is conjunct out of sign with the North Node and makes a square to the Moon 2nd House and a trine to Ceres in the 7th House. This is not idea but Mercury is elevated and has some accidental dignity.

The square to the Moon means not everyone will support this and Trump will have trouble getting the resources he needs. Especially since the ruler of 2nd House is a retrograde Venus under the beams of the Sun. A trine to Ceres could indicate that a group he controls has infiltrated ANTIFA, but I am not sure how to interpret this aspect well at all. Maybe hackers?
On ANTIFA’s side the 7th House is ruler by Jupiter in Fall, which is a worse to than Mercury. Additionally they has negative accidental dignity since Jupiter is besieged by Saturn and Pluto, two malefics. This is not good either Jupiter also rules the 8th so their resources are not good either.
Both Mars and Neptune are in the 7th House. I think this gives a good state of mind for ANTIFA. They are angry and delusional. They decided now would be the best time to lash out. I think that is because they are besieged just like Jupiter. Saturn is the US government which is apply pressure on them, while Pluto is obviously the powerful benefactors of the group. These could be foreign benefactors as George Soros is rumored to be a big supporter.
Mundane wise, it looks like Trump will win the fight against ANTIFA. However, the Deep State shadow will likely continue. Does Trump arrest prominent Democrats and does that provoke a political crisis if he does? Or does the public rally support around him by doing and cruise to reelection? I think it is to early to tell.