Wuhan Coronavirus – Emergent Threat to the Current Global Order!

I am sure most everyone has heard about the emergent coronavirus from Wuhan China. Because this is an emergent threat to the global order and especially China, a special update is needed. Before I get the astrology of this event, I first want to give some basic facts about what is known at this time.
This virus is part of the coronavirus virus family which can cause respiratory disease in humans. Normal human coronaviruses are usually not deadly, but coronaviruses that jump species from other animals to humans can be. This was the case with the SARS outbreak back in 2002-2003. That coronavirus killed about 10% of everyone who got infected. It is suspected the virus came from bats, just like the current virus.
The big difference between the two is that this coronavirus is spreading much faster than SARS and has already infected more people than it. As of February 5, approximately 28,000 cases of the new coronavirus have been confirmed. However, it is suspected that the number of people infected is much higher. Reports from healthcare workers indicate that over 200,000 in Wuhan may already be infected. If this is the case then this virus has already reached pandemic levels.”

In over 70 million people have been quarantined in dozens of different cities. Chinese authorities seem to be taking this outbreak very seriously. They have ban not wearing a face mask in public, forcibly removing infected patients from the general population, or ever barricading them inside their homes. One city has even made it crime not to report symptoms to public health officials.
Compared to the non-reaction of the Western media and the World Health Organization (WHO), these measures seems like over kill even for a communist government. This of course have lead to rumors that the virus is not natural, that it has genetically modified at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, China’s only bio-level safely 4 lab. This is the type of lab that handles the worlds most dangerous pathogens like Ebola.
There is some true to these rumors. Parts of the spiked G-protein of the virus, the part that binds to human cells seem to have inserts of protein sequences similar to HIV. This was published in an Indian Science Journal before quickly being taken down, but that hasn’t stopped the speculation. India has launched an investigation of the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Also many doctors are finding success in treating the virus with a combination of different HIV and influenza drugs.
Some even think this maybe the release of an bioweapon, at least accidentally. A leading US doctor who help write the Biological Weapons Act says “the 2019 Wuhan Coronavirus is an offensive Biological Warfare Weapon and that the World Health Organization (WHO) already knows about it.”
Which if this is the case, this is the last thing China needs right now. It economy was not strong to begin with and with the major manufacturing hub of Wuhan out for at least the next month, maybe longing it is highly likely that China will go into recession. They will take most of the world with due to the effects of globalism.
If this is confirmed that this is a bioweapon release, it will be much worst. Besides shutting down trade and movement of people with China under it is under control, major countries including the US would have consider sanctions against them. They would not be trusted for the foreseeable future and there is a real risk the Chinese Communist Party could collapse and China could enter a warring states period with regional generals fighting for control.
In other words, this may be the start of a “Black Swan Event” that changes the history of the world.
So what does the chart say this event? Well first we have to define the time of start for the outbreak. It is now know that first infection occur on December 1, 2019. This is when the first patient to diagnosed with it started to notice symptoms. This also occurred in Wuhan China. So that is the date I will use for the chart.

When the exact time is not know one can either set the Sun to the ascendant or set the Sun at the Midheaven. I choose to place the Sun at the Midheaven because that is more common for mundane charts. Focusing on the Sun first, because this planet rules biology, life, and vitality in general.
The Sun makes no major aspects to other planets in the chart, expect a sextile to the Moon. Semi-sextile aspects to Mars, Venus and Ceres are also present. But probably the biggest aspect is not to a planet but to the fixed start Antares. Antares is one of Royal Stars that marked the primary directions of the sky. Ancients astrologers consider the star to have properties of Mars (because it is red) and Jupiter. Sometimes Mercury and Saturn are used too.
I don’t have a good book on fixed stars so I had to look this look this up online (emphasis added):
Sun conjunct Antares: Pretended religion, insincere, honor and riches ending in disgrace and ruin, military preferment, danger of treachery, violence committed or suffered, fevers and sickness, injuries to the right eye, violent death. If rising or culminating, great honor through violence attended by difficulties and casualties. If with Mars also, pestilential disease.
While this is not associated with Mars except through a semi-sextile, just the Sun in an applying conjunction to Antares could indicate disease. Antares, like most of the Royal Stars can bring sudden downfalls too. It is like a double edge sword. It can indicate greatness or it can bring out self destruction. This could very well be China’s Chernobyl moment!

The sextile to the Moon is the next major aspect in the chart to the sun. The Moon in this chart is the 12th House which indicates hidden things. In this scenario I suspect the public, especially in China, is being kept in the dark about the about the outbreak. Even though the coronavirus is admitted to publicly and the Chinese government as pledged openness many suspect that they are still covering up details of the virus.
As for whether they are covering up that fact it is an escaped bioweapon, I am not sure the chart can tell this. Only because I don’t know what which planet represents bioweapons. The Sun can indicate biology and biochemist. Mars can indicate weapons in general. Pluto can be viruses specifically. Perhaps Uranus with innovation and technology?
In this chart it would be hard to make determination because there is no major aspect between the planets. I would expect a bioweapon to have some aspect with at at least Mars and Pluto in this case. There is a minor aspect that does bring these two planets together, the quintile. This minor aspect deals with creativity and innovation. This could very well represent the creation of a bioweapon, but without more research in the astrology of bioweapons specifically I can’t say for certain.
If they are covering things up, I don’t think it will last forever. Using a timing techniques from Horary Astrology, it will take the moon 20 degrees to get to ascendant. Convert the degrees to the appropriate time unit which in this case is weeks and we will know how long they will cover things ups. This is 20 weeks or 5 months. This would indicated that the public will learn the truth of the outbreak sometime in the beginning of May 2020…
Let see what happens. Either way at this point I expect the China’s economy, along with the rest of world economy to take a major hit.